Skinny Cyclist? Not Likely

You’re wondering why I’m writing this?

I set out this morning, for a bit of a wander around on the bike. Riding the roads that have a whiff of familiarity, letting my legs warm up as I crawl up through Headley, my finger flick and my one sided smile at everyone passing in the opposite direction. I wasn’t feeling epic by any stroke of imagination, just letting my thoughts wander. This way or that? Where does this take me? My deadpan ‘morning’ to those who spin past me without a word.
I scoot down toward the level crossing (see Strava for my route if you’re interested) finding it closed. Wait. Then off toward Betchworth. I forget briefly which way I want to go. A quick stop. Off again. Nope. Wrong way. A dawdle down familiar lanes and roads. Debating where I want to go. At this point distance isn’t a prerequisite as I’m riding alone. Nothing to get back for. No one around. I decide on hitting Henfold Lane, heading toward Dorking, to detour via Punchbowl, skirt the edge and back via Leatherhead, Ashtead and Epsom.
I give a nod to a cyclist who’s passed me twice  (I think) and he smiles. Just heading toward Punchbowl now. I’ve no intention of doing anything other than enjoying being out, and with a quick look behind me, I end up just coasting along. Looking left and right, remembering what it was like when it snowed on this bit (no idea why tbh). Two cyclists come past me quite fast, one in black and red Castelli, the other in black and yellow Castelli cafe kit.
‘…off the fucking road you fat bitch…’
From the first one. He said something else, but I didn’t hear it as I was busy f***ing and blinding back at him.

You’ve no idea how stuff like that makes me feel. Wretched for lack of a better word. Incensed. And very very upset. I carry on. Not very happy. Trying to ride a bit harder so those tears don’t fall.

It worked for a bit. The kind driver who let me out at onto the A25. The random guy who shouted ‘nice cornering love’

A doodle towards Box. The thought that actually I wanted to go home. A ‘sod it’ moment. I don’t really like going up Box when it’s busy but it’s the most logical route back. I planned to stop and refill  my bottle.

I go around the roundabout following two other guys, one a roadie one a mtber. Past some guys with Wallington on their jerseys stopped at the bottom. And head up Box. A lone rider – quite tall in plain black kit goes passes just as the road straightens.
‘Can you get that fat ass up here?’ He snapped.

Like. Seriously?

I know I’m not skinny. I know I’ve got big boobs and am curvy (I’m paraphrasing a nice male mate of mine here). I know I smoked for 10 years. I know I’m riding alone because I really haven’t found any clubs around here that I’d be happy to join. Or any local friends.

But why? Would they have said this if I’d been with other people? Is it because I will never be – and don’t particularly want to be – stick thin.

I don’t fit in. I KNOW THAT. I am ME.

But you know what? I cried. All the way up fucking box hill. Trying to take deep breaths. I didn’t dare stop at the top. Too many people. I carried on and on. I just wish the ground could’ve swallowed me up like the Mickleham sinkholes. I wanted to just be invisible.

All I wanted to do was get home. Where there is no one. Just a bit of free affection from the cats.

This is destroying me. I don’t want to race. I don’t want to be super fast. I am slowly getting fitter.

But now. I may just limit myself to riding to work and back. And going to cycle events. And being myself.

If you don’t like it. Or you don’t like me. Fine.

No smiling here. Not today.

468 thoughts on “Skinny Cyclist? Not Likely

  1. Don’t let dickheads like this get your down, they are few and far between, you just happened to catch a few of them on the same day. These are the kind of dicks that enter sportives to race because they are not good enough to actually enter a Cat 4 race, but will not take you on when you try to explain that to them.

    I know, we had crossed words with my use of phrasing, but there is no excuse for outright insults when you are out riding. These kind of people are the ones I love to see overshooting corners on a downhill and ended up in the bushes because they don’t have the skill to back up their mouths. F*** them, cycling is for everyone and it is for no-one else to tell you when, where, how you ride. x

    Liked by 1 person

    • El Viejo says:

      Sounds like the type of slobs who like to pretend they’re giants of the road, when in fact, they’re just giant douchebags!! I sure hope thelonecyclist doesn’t let them keep her off the road road any damn time she feels like being there!! I’m sure once she gets over the burn, she’ll just ignore these slobs. Like recovering from road rash. 😀


    • O-Shen Christ says:

      Well first off let me say from what I see of motorists in England your behavioral problems is clearly not limited to morons in cars!! As a cyclist who cycles 1000 miles monthly on Kauai I love seeing heavier ppl cycling and always give a silent,”way to go!” I bet you those morons who abused you are not of the cycling elite at all. Pro cyclists get good by building up themselves as well as their team since it’s a team effort. Only a redneck cum stain would dare to attack a fellow cyclist. Next time tell them to fuck off 😜😜💪🏽👊🏼


    • So sorry to read of this behaviour, I’ve been cycling since late 80’s and own a bike shop in the Peak District and can tell you you wouldn’t not be spoken to that way up here. The comment about that fact these tools couldn’t make a cat4 race is spot on. Cycling is for everyone all shapes and sizes …. Take at look at team glow ladies cycling club up north, you could always get in touch with those guys to experience the cameradierie that is part of the cycling world as I see it ..


  2. Wow that’s fucking crazy! I’ve never heard of such abuse being hurled at cyclists by other cyclists! Absolutely not on. Shows some serious insecurity from their Rapha-clad wannabe pro cyclist male egos. Don’t let them stop you enjoying your time on two wheels.

    How far is your commute to work and back each day?

    Liked by 1 person

    • deb john says:

      I agree … Mostly … I am a female with Rapha gear , not the best rider not the worst. It is a good company with great customer service I’m not sure why you why you have said this ….also I think she said they were dressed in castelli ?

      Liked by 2 people

    • Getoutandride. says:

      You’re just as bad. Read the story….Castelli clothing….You have just insulted anyone and everyone who chooses to wear Rapha. It’s an item of clothing that someone chooses because they like it. Stereo typed, narrow minded abuse for no reason. Sound familiar to the story ? Grow up….


      • Leigh says:

        She was using the clothing terms for fear of calling them very rude names might offend. It was descriptive, no more.


      • Simon says:

        This is such a stupid comment! It’s detail that indicates that the cyclists who abused her were probably pretty full of themselves, since they wear “pro” kit AND go around abusing people. It may also have been intended to identify these wankers, so that they think twice next time. She had been the victim of some very unpleasant people, twice, doing something that she loves. That is enough to make anyone feel like giving up. Of course, it has a lot to do with coincidence, but it clearly didn’t feel like it at the time.


    • Edward Scoble says:

      That’s because you’re a male, and very rarely get such abuse from others.

      Of course we never heard of such thing because of the privilege of being a white male.

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  3. Just can’t believe what I am reading here. Like your other commenter, I’ve never heard anything like this being shouted at anyone. How horrible. So very sorry you had to put up with this from people who should hang up their wheels in shame. A very large hug XX

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Those people are jerks. You are not a jerk. Therefore, you should hold your head high and keep riding, keep getting stronger, keep enjoying spinning your legs and keep having fun. And if you can get up Box Hill whilst crying, I’m pretty certain you’re bloody good on that bike!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Alex says:

    I know it’s hard but ignore the wankers. As has been said they are few and far between and I suspect seriously outnumbered by people like me who would have had ‘a chat’ if I’d been there to overhear the abuse.

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  6. Simon Clegg says:

    Hi, felt I had to comment after reading this. Today I rode up Cragg Vale in W.Yorkshire (longest continuous climb in England). I met a couple riding up,the lady was somewhat on the larger side but that’s not the point – the point was she was riding the longest hill in England, something more than a few ‘cyclists’ avoid. The fact that she was doing it made me smile and give her some encouragement. Anyone on a bike is a good thing, but elitist snobs are just dicks.

    Please keep riding, its about you not those fools

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    • Actually, this brings up another point for those of us who are heavier and cycle. While its nice you want to be encouraging, often its heard as not! For so long we get told all the negative stuff that its hard to hear even positive without wondering, “Why are you talking to me?”

      To the original poster, I’m so so very sorry that those cyclists said those things. I hope you can start to learn to forget it. You are on a bike, and that’s all that matters! Its great, freeing, fun, and while its their own sad little problems that make them lash out, YOU KEEP ON BEING YOU.

      (You aren’t alone. There are plenty of us so called “Athenas” and “Clydesdales” out there. 10 miles each way is BOSS, lady, that’s awesome.


  7. Those guys are “all the gear and no idea”.

    A few times I have seen people who are ‘out of shape’, either running or cycling and I have given them the thumbs up, smiled and said something along the lines of “good for you/well done/keep it up”, and think that ANYONE who makes steps towards self improvement should be applauded, not castigated or ridiculed. For I too was once out of shape, and I am not yet at the height of my physical ability (for my age) but I am constantly working towards it.

    Those who criticise others for making an effort might have a better physique but their intellect is flabby, out of shape and gorging itself on crappy processed food style ignorant thought.

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  8. liam andrews says:

    I’m also a cyclist who is male these aren’t male cyclists these are the sort of people I keep away from the small minded fraternity who spend thousands on must have clobber because there lives are that fuckin empty being perfect.What you should be saying is your life is more complete than there’s will ever be and just get out there and enjoy cycling.thats from an overweight diabetic who’s had heart surgery,fuckem all I say,fuckem all!!!!

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  9. I had someone shout “oi fatty, keep running!” while out on a jog. Like, why do you think I’m running you moron because I’m stick thin and just enjoy running? NO ONE ENJOYS RUNNING. Keep your chin up and try not to pay attention, easier said than done I know. Box Hill is a beast so well done!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Sad to hear this sorry tale of abuse, there really are some hateful people about. I have come across some right prats over the last few years, many who ride in local racing clubs, but plenty of the type mentioned by @GKam84.

    Unfortunately cycling seems to attract people who like to make nasty comments on others appearances or their clothing or bikes etc… I pity them.

    Keep turning those pedals!

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  11. firedfromthecircus says:

    This seriously sucks! It just goes to prove the old adage that there are dicks in every walk of life. Unfortunately there are more of them cycling now cycling is more popular. If it happens again just tell them to fuck off back to the golf club where their snobbery is appreciated.
    And please don’t let them bully you off your bike.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Never have I come across such ignorant twats! I know it’s difficult but you have to rise above it. Only men would be so I sensitive and I hasten to add a very small minority too. Keep on cycling and stick 2 fingers up at em! xx

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Cycling Tiger says:

    I really wish I knew who these people are because they really do need to be told to f**k off every day of their lives.

    Alas any openly accessible activity will attract asshats like this. They’re not capable of just going out and enjoying what they do, they need to feel superior to someone else as well. What’s even more disappointing, they’ve not even managed to come up with a better way to do that than to hurl some asinine, vapid insult. You’re already a far better member of the cycling community than them. We can do without them, they don’t understand or value the love of the road. We can’t do without you. Please don’t leave.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Slapshotjc says:

    Sod them, I’m 49 bald and the scales swing too far over, MUCH too far over but I still head out on the bike.
    One thing that the “fad” that is cycling in the UK has brought out an arrogance among MAMILS that sickens me. I’ve cycled on and off road much of my life, and I’ll positively acknowledge every other two wheeled warrior out there!
    Keep doing what you’re doing and SOD THEM ALL!! X

    Liked by 1 person

  15. They are just oxygen thieves who are absolutely disgusting vile pigs.

    You need to be applauded not abused. Who cares if you should fit in. You’re out there riding your heart out on a bike. That’s enough. Any decent club (certainly all the ones I’ve been cycling with) would drum ignorant nutters like that out and welcome genuine people like you.

    Don’t give up and don’t let the morons win. You are way better than that

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Ross says:

    I’m so sorry this happened. Please don’t let this stop you from riding. You know the glow of pleasure, or even sometimes out right joy, you can get from just poodling about and letting these idiots put a stop to that would be such a waste. Enjoy your next ride and I really hope those jerks get punctures every 1km!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Jean Robinson says:

    Judging from your profile, you’re not half as fat as me and I wouldn’t let any lycra clad twat put me off my cycling. You’ve as much right as anyone to enjoy your cycling

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  18. No need for personal insults like that, I don’t know who that benefits. Throwaway comments like that serve no purpose, and are used by people with no filter in their tiny brains.

    Here’s a somewhat relevant story: I was laying in the sun last summer on Clapham Common and I had my t-shirt on, because otherwise I burn to a crisp. Someone ran by me and my girlfriend and proceeded to shout, “tell your boyfriend to take his shirt off, it might inspire him to lose some weight”. I’m was just under 14st (88kg) last summer, bit of a beer gut, not massive, and I’ve since lost it, but I was enjoying myself, doing absolutely nothing to harm anyone else. I found the guy later as I walked back into town, and gave him an absolute earful. His friend was embarrassed to even be with him, and he backtracked and apologised very quickly.

    I know you didn’t have the same opportunity to pull these morons up on their words, but quite often these sorts of people don’t give a second thought until it’s too late. It’s deeply offensive and can sit with you for a long while.

    Just be happy that you’re out and about, enjoying yourself without the need to hurl abuse at people, be content that you know what they have said is completely unacceptable by any standard, and if they need to resort to comments like that to make their day then that is incredibly sad.

    Don’t let it put you off.

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  19. Patsykins says:

    Reading your amazing words
    brought my own tears – of anger, disgust and sadly, familiarity. Please don’t stop pedalling!!! You’re amazing 👍🏼

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  20. maartensneep says:

    This story makes me sad, I can only imagine how much it hurts you. I hope that tomorrow you will ride again with a smile. Keep on riding.

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  21. BaldyBiker says:

    A pair of tossers in no position to be judging anyone else.
    You cycle those roads as much as you like at what speed you like and please don’t let the opinions or words of these saddos stop you.
    Keep on keeping on

    Liked by 1 person

  22. John says:

    How extraordinary. I’m always happy to see anyone else out on a bike and cannot comprehend this kind of asshattery. Keep cycling, don’t let these joyless dicks put you off.

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  23. Rhiannon says:

    Just back from a ride myself & know how awesome a good one can make you feel. I’m sorry yours was ruined by these ****heads. As a not-skinny girl myself I hesitate every time I put on my cycling kit. Then I think “screw it” & remember how great it feels to be getting stronger. Head up, stay strong. x

    Liked by 1 person

  24. David Hamilton says:

    Elz I feel your pain Hun. Humans in the main are shit and thats why the few people we surround ourselves with are so important. I am fed up with saying good morning to cyclists as I ride along and get blanked but I refuse to give up as it then makes me one of them. I have so changed my outlook on life and have an awesome group of people around me who I love and they love me for what we are. Warts and all. In my eyes you are gorgeous and lovely. Stay that way babe xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks mate.

      Can’t reply to everyone. I’m a bit tired from it all now. I’ve logged myself out of twitter and facebook. Probably for a while now.

      After such an amazing day yesterday at Brighton Big Dog with the guys and Lois from Morvelo, Rory from Upgrade, Matt Carr and my fandabadoozie twitter friends…

      Is it called how to have a horrendously good weekend (being a bit ironic here)?

      Hugs to everyone that has replied. I’m not off the bike. Just not intending any weekend riding. I’d rather deal with angry Surrey car drivers at rush hour…

      Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

      • WHERE is ” Castelli “?

        By now any other Apparell Co. would have delivered a truckload of Gear !

        Could you imagine what they think , when they next ride past , having PAID for their gear ?

        Yes , there are people out there that seek to wear the BEST , ride the BEST , yet they are ALWAYS unable to match the likes of Froomey , Wiggo or even Lancy poo !

        There would be some of the 2012 Olympians that struggled up Box Hill , i know , as i rode up with one Aussie that was having a ” Can’T be bothered with this day ” , a few days before the race ! Right Dodger ?

        Miss enjoying that area for training , and having encouraged the likes of Evelyn Stevens visit Headley Court , i know that even that FINE Institution , would be able to repair those two posers !

        ENjoyed your writing and will follow .


  25. Sadly there are a***holes who ride among us, but please don’t let that put you off. They’re not worth it.

    As for clubs, I’d probably stay away from them, personally. I managed to find a good bunch to ride with through a local cycle campaign meeting, but there’s probably a CTC group near you too. If you fancy a longer ride on the weekend, Audax UK might be worth a look.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Shaun says:

    Don’t let the bastards grind you down.

    I ride and don’t have a cyclists figure. Strong legs and big belly which is down to an illness I have and weight loss is hard for me. Yes, I get fatty comments but don’t let them get to me, they usually come from a foreign work colleague and I usually reply that I can lose the weight but you’ll still be an (country of origin) t%%t.


  27. Rich Marwood says:

    So sorry to read this. I hope the culprits read this and feel ashamed. The road is there for us all, the fast and the slow, the soloists and groups. I almost always ride solo but try to be sociable to everyone I meet on the road, unless I’m going up a hill and don’t have any breath left, and can only manage a grimace!!! If you want some company drop me a line. Be proud to ride with you.

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  28. Please, please, please don’t stop cycling. You’re inspiring other women to ride perhaps without even realising. The world needs more people like you and judging by the comments, if any of us ever come across those guys, they’re going to get it.

    I hope one day, we can ride together. If you’re ever in Manchester, please drop me a line. I’d love to show you around – on the bike of course!

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Inside_Info says:

    So sad that these people have nothing better in their minds to shout such insults. Don’t let them get to you and please please don’t give up on your cycling!

    I would say that if they are wearing club kit, drop the club secretary an email and mention that their local newspaper might be interested… But then again they were probably not members of a club and were wearing the full Rapha Sky kit or some such team – and there’s a name for them as well, often referred to as ‘Full Pro Kit Wankers’

    Keep smiling and enjoy your cycling, you’re doing better than most of us!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  30. People can be massive dicks. I really don’t understand why people in the fitness community are mean to others. Baffles me.
    I’d love to have someone to go cycling with and you seem lovely!
    Oh and FYI, you’re nowhere near fat. You look awesome. Keep that shit up.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Gary Cummins says:

    I am utterly horrified to read this. I am sorry to hear you were treated this way by a couple of bullys, I hope the support you have seen on this page goes some way to making you feel a wee bit better. Keep cycling.

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Steve H says:

    Please take courage from what others have said before me – hold your head up and ride, ignore them, they aren’t worth a tenth of you. Hopefully see you on the road some day, for God’s sake don’t quit!

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  33. Martin Baldwin says:

    Disgraceful, keep your chin up don’t let these sad individuals get you down they are not worth it. I am 44 got back into Mountain Biking just over a year ago after I stopped riding at the end of the 90’s. I am no longer skinny, I don’t wear lycra (never have) just not my look. I ride for enjoyment and a bit of fitness, the only person I compete with is myself. I have learnt that my fitness isn’t all that bad, I have been blitzed by people who are larger than me, I have also caught and passed skinny people, half my age. These idiots are just shallow low lifes with no respect for other human beings, who next year will probably jumping on the next ‘fashionable’ bandwagon. It’s your ride, enjoy it.

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  34. Diet Bruboy says:

    Hi, please keep cycling, there are complete tossers in the world, you’ve seen that. Those guys are the exception, not the norm. I’ve riden on my own for nearly 3 years and if you enjoy it as much as i do, please don’t quit. Life’s not a race, and maybe with time you’ll get fitter – but if you don’t who gives a shit? The most important thing is you still enjoy the ride, the fresh air, the buzz and the breeze. All the best, dietbruboy from EK, Scotland.

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  35. I don’t now much about cycling, but I know that there are idiots everywhere… Don’t let them get you!
    I’m actually quite skinny and also get the occasional abuse while out there, like “you wanna be a skeleton or why are you running”… Annoying people who think everyone should adjust to their ideals…

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Team DVR says:

    There are some evil people around. The fact you are out and riding is fantastic, sadly some people enjoy mocking others. Just know not every cyclist is a racing snake and we are not all like those you describe.

    Hugs, Dave.

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  37. BOSH says:

    Lady, ignore the breathers…. they are plankton. As far as friends and allies in cycling, from your descriptives the CTC may be worth a go. Stick at it, the longest of journeys starts with the shortest of steps.

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  38. Chris says:

    Please don’t let them stop you cycling. D1ckheads like that just give cyclists as a whole a bad name, whereas most of us are considerate to all road users and encouraging to fellow cyclists. Enjoy your time on two wheels and don’t let anyone else take that away from you. Drivers can be idiots and carve you up, but that doesn’t mean that they’re all out to knock you off your bike. And idiots that think you’re holding them up from achieving a Strava segment are still idiots.

    Liked by 1 person

  39. Steve says:

    Illegitimate non-carborundum!

    The world is full of tossers and a good proportion wear Castelli!

    A real cyclist knows how hard it can be at times especially when starting out. Keep going and keep your head up!

    Should I ever venture to Surrey then I would be happy to ride with you!

    Liked by 1 person

  40. velovoiceblogspot says:

    That is outrageous. I too am a curvy woman often cycling on my own round the lanes of Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire. I’ve never encountered anything like that (yet) but if I ever did/do, t know I would react exactly as you did. Best “revenge” is to get back out there. For now I totally get the commutes-only strategy. Wishing you all the best – pedal on!

    Liked by 1 person

  41. Ignore the f**ktards. Box Hill is easy when you’re light/fit so hanging round there hurling abuse at people that aren’t is pathetic. Would love them to go to Yorkshire and try willy-waving with the guys up there or go ride Audax and see how well they can dish out cheap abuse after 200 miles non-stop. They’d probably be broken and in the gutter before the day is out.

    More importantly, I and a million other cyclists would rather ride with you than any of them.

    So anytime you fancy a short drive out west to go for a ride round the glorious Cotswolds, well away from arrogant twats, you just let me know. I’ve been a chaperone/ride-leader on charity events and am a Sky Ride leader – I can guarantee I’ve ridden with people bigger, smaller, slower, faster, shorter-distance, longer-distance than you and never judged any of them. As fast you like, as slow as you like, stop, start, I don’t care, we’ll just have a great day out.

    Liked by 1 person

  42. Alix Kroeger says:

    So sorry to read this. Like it’d be any better for anyone if you were sitting on the sofa, eating crisps? I’ve never cycled up Box Hill, never mind when I’m a wreck, so you’re one up (or several) on me. I’ve been lucky, found other cyclists almost universally supportive, even when I’m puffing and wheezing, slowcoach fatty at the back. I hope you find a club that suits you (I’d recommend the CTC, not necessarily the most glamorous but nice people and good riders).

    Liked by 1 person

  43. Mark Griffiths says:

    Keep your chin up. It’s them that have the problem not you, arsehole are always around the corner ready to make jibes or be quick to call and hurl abuse at others. It only becomes your problem if you react to them! So keep your chin up ignore the arse holes and enjoy your riding.

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  44. it makes my heart sink to read of your experience. I hope you aren’t put off riding. the world of cycling needs people like you more than it needs people like those idiots you encountered today; people who being joy to riding a bike, not who bring the kind of issues these individuals clearly suffer from

    Liked by 1 person

  45. Matt says:

    I was really sad to read about your experience. Don’t let a couple of princesses on their little Sunday outing ruin your love for this amazing sport. I’m not a thin cyclist either, I was bigger before I started cycling and everytime I see a larger cyclist I think good on them they’re getting out there. I would like to leave you with a thought although I’m a larger cyclist this year I cycled through the Alps solo climbed Mont Ventoux twice and took part in a major endurance cycling race. It doesn’t matter whether you look like a whippet or not on the bike keep training, enjoy it and above all ignore premadonnas!

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  46. arallsopp says:

    What the hell?

    Some people are absolute idiots. I’m shocked, and upset to read this. No reason, excuse, or advice comes to mind. So sorry.

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  47. You’re not fat and the only bitch was the wanker who passed you. The thing is: There’s always someone faster. You’re riding for the love of riding. It sounds like he’s riding because he thinks he’s all that. He’ll be more appropriately shattered when the inevitable happens, and he’s passed by someone in flashy race gear. I hope it’s a woman, too.

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  48. The vast majority of cyclists I encounter are decent people, more so than the general population. However, there are some people who appear to have the emotional intelligence of a brick; a pair of wheels can’t change that.
    Keep riding. You know why you do it.

    Liked by 1 person

  49. Gary says:

    This type of thing makes me sick. It pisses me off enough when my nod or “morning” goes ignored, but this is beyond… You should hold your head up high, you are a true cyclist. They are wankers our sport could well do without. Keep on rolling and please try not to let cretins like this get you down!

    Liked by 1 person

  50. Reading this has really made me angry for your experience. I started cycling when I was 21 stone and thankfully I did not encounter any of this negativity from fellow cyclists. I also did not have anyone to cycle with so started a group on Facebook which 7 years later has 800+ members and we have formed a British Cycling affiliated cycling club in the North East which now has over 160 members. Please keep cycling and don’t let idiots like this put you off. There is room for everyone in our sport no matter what sex, age or size they are but unfortunately that means there is room for the d*ckheads too.

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  51. OMG! Wow. That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever hear. Yup, you can’t control what the idiots say. Wow, people are mean in the UK, no? I live in California — I do think there is more tolerance for diversity. Sometimes those roadies remind me of corporate idiots. So, sorry — I hope to know you are not the crazy/sad/etc one — it’s all them. Take your lemons and make lemonade — that is what my dad and I say. For example, be glad you are not a shallow, closed minded roadie. You are what makes the world a better place! I’m headed to Napoli for six weeks for work — I’ll let you know how it is in my Brompton there.

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  52. If you want people to ride with, I can suggest some fab, friendly clubs: Richmond Park Rouleurs do lots of different types of ride, and we often have social nights at the pub, weekends away, easy Richmond Park laps, etc: Find them here:
    or Kingston Wheelers also does all levels, ranging from pootles to racing, and everyone is friendly, helpful and totally inclusive. PM me if you want any more details 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  53. Sorry to hear of your bad day, I ride with a lot of club riders in Yorkshire and often chat to other riders when I’m cycling on my own, it is a shame that some people have no respect for others, we can only hope they live to regret their sad attitudes.

    Liked by 1 person

  54. Please don’t take any notice of those idiots. Cycling is for everyone regardless of shape or size. I’m a fast female roadie cyclist. If I’d been with you I would have chased their skinny backsides down and called them a few choice words in return.

    Liked by 1 person

  55. Angus says:

    Don’t you dare stop cycling of any sort because of these mysogynists. There are hateful people in all walks of life. A bad morning in the saddle, that’s all.

    Liked by 1 person

  56. Nina says:

    No one knows the back story of another person unless they are friends. Yes you will get fitter, maybe thinner. And? What counts is you are out there on your bike. There is no excuse for these negative comments. Keep on pedaling. If you ever come to NYC we can ride together, curves and all. @bikingmidwife

    Liked by 1 person

  57. Suz says:

    Not all cyclists are lovely …. but in my experience, most are . Don’t give up on the cycling fraternity just because you’ve bumped into a couple of complete to$$ers. Keep turning them pedals gal. Hope my message brings that smile back again.

    Liked by 1 person

  58. As loads of people have said already just keep riding your bike and ignore the dickheads. Some sad people can only feel ok about themselves by belittling others, that is tragic but don’t let it put you off.

    Just enjoy your riding, it doesn’t matter if you are fat, thin, young, old, in team kit,club kit and riding anything from a ‘sit up and beg’ to the latest carbon framed road bike. It’s about being out there and enjoying yourself (perhaps with a few health benefits thrown in for good measure), it’s the open road, wind in your hair (if you’ve got any) and flies in your teeth (on the descents only of course)
    Sod them all and love your riding, it will keep you happy fit and sane when the parts have gone on to the next ‘big’ thing

    Liked by 1 person

  59. Jane Patel says:

    Ignore them not worth the time thinking about it! Don’t give up or restrict your riding cos they will have won- be strong
    Btw Cycletta are great events and are there Breeze bike rides in your area?
    Chin up 😃👍

    Liked by 1 person

  60. Reading that made me sad and mad. I am not cyclist shaped but love cycling and have found a joy in longer distance cycling. I started doing Audax rides and have always been treated with kindness and respect. I spend a lot of time cycling on my own as I am a tad slow but usually finish within the time limit plus the cafe stops are great.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Michael Adu says:

      How dare they please don’t let other peoples insecurities affect you keep and cycling and doing what you do. They are not worthy persons if that’s the only words they can express to a fellow human beings


  61. Pro kit wankers, don’t let them idiots put you off riding, luckily I’m z member of a great MTB group that never made me feel guilty for being the last up the hill and a few years later I’m fitter and love my cycling, still last up the hill mind you😀. We were out on the mountain bikes the other night and four road cyclist went past us, we all shouted high, they just looked at us as though were shit on there shoes. These guys have got a lot to do to improve the image. I know a lot of guys who ride road bikes and they’re great guys, what is wrong with the few that think as soon as they put on the Lycra they are professional cyclist and are on closed roads on the Tour de France
    keep riding you are the best

    Liked by 1 person

  62. Easy to say but hard to do I know – please ignore them. Too many idiots buy all the gear and have no idea. Keep riding, keep enjoying


  63. You’ll be more than welcome to ride with
    If your ever on the South Coast one evening and fancy a ride. We come in all shapes and sizes and we treat everyone as human beings. Some people ride for different reasons. Ours is for sociable ones and to get a bit fitter (so we can eat more cake :))

    Nice piece by the way. From the heart, just how it should be.

    Liked by 1 person

  64. Karen says:

    You rode up Box Hill? Nice one! I’m just getting into road cycling a bit myself and I’m based in south London, so if you want a cycling buddy and won’t mind waiting for me at the top: let me know, I’d be honoured!

    Ps let’s not waste any more words on those sad excuses for humans…

    Liked by 1 person

  65. Whitscope says:

    Sad to hear your story. You are of more value to the cycling community than a hundred of those wankers. Cycling snobbery infuriates me….. As you know we should all be ganging up together against the fucking joggers…….(only joking!).

    Liked by 1 person

  66. James B says:

    That’s really upsetting. The majority of cyclists, whatever they’re wearing, are very nice and friendly. The ones you came across have social problems and should be pitied. Don’t let their idiocy get you down. Also, there’s plenty of cycle clubs you could join and they have rides for all abilities. Never stop cycling.


  67. forestrider says:

    Don’t let them stop you riding at weekends. Just imagine them with punctures on both wheels and no spare tubes or patches, and out of mobile coverage


  68. James Beechey says:

    Found this from Twitter. Disgraceful. Just idiots. I’m sure for every dickhead you encountered there were 30 other well mannered and friendly cyclists. Keep doing what you love.


  69. Stephanie says:

    Sweetie, you’re an infinitely better, gracious and nicer person than they will ever be. Try hard to ignore small minded pricks…and do join a club, you’ll find one on your wave length, and an army of mates who will chase those arses up the hill with you. Do it soon, it will help. Not all cyclists or runners are pricks, promise.


  70. Arseholes, complete and utter. The thing that pisses me off most is that I – a pisshead who eats far too much curry and smoked for 30 years – never get comments like this, and I suspect the main reason for that is because I’m male. So not only are people like that arseholes, they’re sexist arseholes. Which, along with racist arseholes, homophobic arseholes, transphobic arseholes and been-cruel-to-an-animal arseholes, are the very worst species of arsehole.


  71. Obviously, as everyone says, keep riding.
    The shocker here is that it was cyclists handing out the abuse, but we’ve all had it from motorists one way or another. It vexes me that stuff like that can keep jangling round your mind for a long time: can really spoil a ride, especially if you’re riding on your own (which, like you, I mostly do). I wish there was an easy answer to this problem. I guess the answer is finding positive thoughts to replace the negative ones; maybe stop for a cup of tea?


  72. JustinF says:

    I’m blessed with being stick thin, mostly because I don’t like eating, not because I’m f**king super fit as people often assume when I’m lycra’d up.
    When I inevitably overtake a larger framed person, especially up a hill, my first thought is good on ya, getting out and staying healthy, it’s also my second and third thoughts.



  73. I wish you wouldn’t have let them spoke your ride, your day. They are asses. They are all ego. They are scared of you. A perfectly normal person out for a ride. They were showing off for each other. I promise as bad as you felt the whole incident was about THEM, not you or you shape.
    They have no manners, no kindness no empathy, no real love of the sport or love other than love of self.
    Karma will get them.
    Please go back out.


  74. G says:

    To hell with them. I bet they’re skinny & miserable all of the time, have terrible personalities, smell awful, have cheating spouses, terrible jobs, no money and no friends.

    If they can’t bear to see you happy, then they are jealous. F**k ’em.


  75. Janine says:

    From another not skinny female cyclist. I am horrified at your day! No-one deserves to be talked to like that. Those cycle-douches will get there comeuppance when karma slaps them in the face. In the mean time, keep your chin up, your legs turning and your bum (no matter how big or small) on/near that saddle. Big hugs xXx


  76. Ashley Gruber says:

    Keep your chin up, and keep enjoying your lovely morning rides! Don’t let those two jerks take a single thing away.


  77. Gareth from Wales says:

    To hell with those “look at me” arseholes! You go for it and enjoy it. Twats who think they’re oh so special in their £400 kit and on those £4000 bikes are worthless next to you, who rides for you and not for bragging rights and strava ‘I’m so clever’ scores. To hell with them and be proud.

    pigs. Horrible arseholes.

    I say hello to everyone. I shout it out to the men in black with their head down. But I’m a big ‘man’ with no hair, so no wordy comments come my way. I average no more than 13 on a 50 miler, as I’m not in a rush and am not very good. I’m not ashamed of that and you most certainly should never be made to feel anything other than happy when riding your bike. That’s why some of us do it!

    Be proud and tell them to “f*** off you pompous twat”


  78. I’m completely disgusted that some lowlifes think they can represent cycling just by buying the gear when in reality their asshole attitude should stay back in the office they believe they dominate.

    I’ve no idea how you feel and couldn’t begin to imagine it either as I’m not only a man but a lifelong cyclist and member of various clubs over the years whilst also living in the quiet countryside of Norfolk.

    What I can say is that you can across a weak, feeble excuse for a man. You also came across people who don’t have real friends and are clearly not respected in their sad little lives. They are clearly not respected club riders either, likely to have been shunned by them or to scared to join one.
    Living where you do, you’re going to find an abnormally high amount of these people on the roads and other than carrying a gun, there is no easy way around that.
    What I can say is that you don’t need to fight any fight, and shouldn’t have to either, but at least not on your own.
    There are clubs you can join, clubs who enjoy exactly what you where doing that day. You just don’t get to see that section of the club so easily, you normally see the super fit and thin leggy with posh Lycra racers or wanna be racers as they seem to group together more visibly than others.
    Knock on a few doors and ask. Approach a few club riders at a cafe. Ask at a few bike shops or even cafes.
    If you ride a bike and have a healthy respect for other people and what cycling gives you – then you’re a cyclist and a club is for supporting each other’s enjoyment of just that.

    Keep cycling. Not to show them, me or anyone else but because it’s you. You are the most important person on your bike. Don’t let anyone take anything away from your enjoyment.

    If you must shout back at these idiots, I find that asking ‘is your mother proud of the spoilt brat she raised?’ works better than swearing😉


  79. Jeroen says:

    Ugh. This is horrible. Please keep on riding. It doesn’t matter what you look like, it doesn’t matter how fast you’re going and it doesn’t matter what your goals are. Just keep on enjoying yourself, no matter what those dumb fucks say. Don’t let them win. Take pride in the fact that you’re obviously trying to change your life for the better. I have huge respect for you and any man or woman in a similar situation.


  80. Dizzy says:

    Only one word….

    You are a lovely person, I pity fools like these, they must have so many insecurities that they hide under all their bravado
    Love you xxx


  81. Hannah says:

    Please, please keep cycling, everywhere and anywhere! Be unapologetic about that, you are a cyclist and will always be one. All cyclists deserve respect, well generally all people. You’re so eloquent too. I live far away from you but I wish I could come on a few rides with you and chase down those ignorant guys who’ve never known anything but fitness! Be strong.


  82. Jenni says:

    Elz so sorry to read this just wanted to pick you up and hug you half way through. I am appalled that you have suffered such horrible abuse from a couple of total wankers who feel the need to berate others probably due to their own inadequacies. Come for a ride in Bedfordshire soon you’ll be well looked after here xxx


  83. John Keyes says:

    It seems you found a perfect storm of dickheads out and about today. Keep doing what you love doing, screw everyone else.


  84. Not so skinny Tim says:

    I don’t know if anything I say can undo the hurt caused by those wankers, however keep smiling, keep riding and do it for you.
    I’m a 18stone ex front row rugby player and not your average skinny cyclist, but I have regularly completed 100 + mile rides, why do I do it – because I want to, so f@ck em 🙂


  85. Bill says:

    Those guys weren’t racers. They were just dipshits. No one in the entire racing scene that I know would ever say something like that. What you probably experienced was the time honored tradition of blaming someone else for your own inadequacy. If you’d not been in his line, he probably could have gone up faster. By at least 3 seconds. But your being there IN THEIR WAY was a great excuse for why they couldn’t perform to the level their egos want them to.

    Actual bike racers spend most of their time telling everyone how fat they are, how out of shape they are, and how much they haven’t trained 🙂

    Having been one before, obsessed about my weight, watts, and what I’m wearing.. You’ve already gotten to what most of them are trying to get to.. actually enjoying riding your bike. Keep on doing that, and fuck anyone who says otherwise.


  86. This is appalling. There is only one word to describe people like this and it rhymes with Banker. These people are also pompous a-holes. Keep on riding with your head held high and know that every one of the people who have left comments here are riding with you every day and are there pacing you up Box Hill even if it seems you are on your own. If this ever happens again shout the “W” word at them – they deserve it.


  87. Natalie says:

    There are some vile people in this world. Sometimes they are drivers trying to kill you, sometimes they are pedestrians throwing McDonalds curry sauce at you, and sometimes they are cyclists.

    The fact that the overwhelming majority of cyclists are pretty respectful to each other out on the road makes this all the more shocking.

    The fact that you can’t understand why these people chose to be so cruel means that you are one of the GOOD PEOPLE. Never, ever forget this, hold your head high!


  88. Chris says:

    I’m shocked and so sorry that you have to experience this. Cycling is a joyous pastime and for some horrible people to ruin it for you is unforgivable. Please try to look past this awful experience. I really hope you can still get pleasure from riding and remember that the majority of cyclists are with you.


  89. Obviously unacceptable in any circumstance but it’s quite surprising for cyclists to attack other cyclists for no reason. Unless UKIP are now promoting cycling to their members…


  90. Stuart says:

    You can give an asshole a bicycle, but he’s still an asshole.

    Good for you for not giving in to the taunts and not going straight home,
    good for you for getting out on your bike to enjoy an aimless, enjoyable ride,
    And I hope you will continue to go out on many more country spins, just for the enjoyment of it.
    Keep on keeping on 🙂 🚴🏽
    Stu, Australia.


  91. leroy says:

    Don’t let a couple of jerks steal your joy. The bike is a wonderful place for rolling meditation.

    A good ride is measured in how much you enjoy the ride, not how fast you got up a hill. The folks who don’t get that will never have a truly good ride. No matter how fast, no matter how far, they will be unhappy because they can’t go faster and further.

    You are way ahead of the jerks who ruined your ride. Their words were a feeble attempt to catch you.


  92. lettheidiotspeak says:

    What a horrible experience. I hope you’ll find a tiny measure of solace in the comments of the readers who stumbled onto your blog.

    No made the shape, size or speed of the rider, we’re all brothers and sisters on the bike. And I hope your next ride is much much much more pleasurable.


  93. Geoff Davis says:

    It’s a shameful reflection of society in general that those people comment in the way that they did and says everything about themselves and nothing about you. Keep cycling and keep enjoying it.


  94. Philip says:

    . Ride for the love of riding and never stop. Disregard the unconscionable behavior of assholes. Check out Rodeo Labs. That’s a cycling family you will like


  95. Tony Webster says:

    I think all the comments here say everything, don’t be discouraged by these pathetic nobodies.
    If these snotty snivelling pond life losers could be put on one side of a stage with you on the opposite side and your story read out then ask the public to go and stand who they would like to hang out with – there would be a tiny skinny cowering exposed heap of an excuse on one side and a big crowd on the opposite side with YOU in the middle!.
    Ignore these scum, get out and enjoy yourself…….you get all the LIKES 🙂


  96. Sadly, the whole of human history is a story of looking for differences so that one group can feel superior to the other. But bicycles are still one of the greatest things we’ve invented. One of the great levellers. Ride with your head held high (unless there’s a headwind 🙂


  97. Gillian says:

    There are a lot of negative people out there who get their kicks from taking the pee/ slating others. They re usually far from perfect and have their own insecurities. I ignore them and disassociate myself from them. Not worth an ounce of your time or emotion. Carry on with your passion and if there’s is nt one start a cycling group for like minded people, try Face book ? A friend of mine started one 5 years ago and there are no hundreds of members.


  98. I will add that this area of Surrey attracts a particularly nasty type of cyclist – I hope your experience doesn’t put you off. Groups I have ridden with include East Surrey Ctc and South West London Ctc – they are lovely people


  99. Dan says:

    Been cycling for years and heard plenty of banter however what you heard wasn’t banter. On the roads I train on regularly I’ve seen a girl fairly regularly out on her bike.She is on the large side and my first thought on seeing her struggle up a hill was good on her and gave her a wave. Now she is able to wave back as she gets fitter.
    Maybe some of those guys had been overtaken by a training bunch and felt the need to have a go at someone else who knows.
    When I started racing I was told “always be nice to those you meet on the way up as you might meet them again on the way down”


  100. Doctorwoolley says:

    What a horrible experience, these are the people that spoil cycling for everyone, their behaviour has disgusted me, I truly hope you get back out there and ride.


  101. My God I’m appalled at this. I’m so sorry that you had to experience such disgusting and bullying behaviour.
    Cycling is for everyone. I’m based out in Richmond, probably too far but I would ride with you if you ever wanted. Go to the website, and you’ll be able to contact me.
    Well done for giving up smoking and finding a passion like cycling to get you fit and healthy.
    Please get in touch. Cycling is for everyone. Size does not matter. Xxx


  102. Patrick smart says:

    Don’t let the sods get you down ! If you enjoy cycling that’s all that’s matters and there only saying that out of some lost ego or insecurity of there’s . Don’t ever let anyone stop you doing something you enjoy 🙂


  103. iamamro says:

    I’m so sorry to read this.

    It’s easy to say don’t let it affect you – I know it would upset me and I’m male.

    It’s not just the upset at the time but it’s the continuing cogitating and replaying events.

    Don’t let the buggers get you down. Resist them and go out again. You’ll win in the end. You’ve won already in my eyes.


  104. Jon says:

    As a bike shop owner I have the misfortune to meet many of this type of lycra clad hero.. I don’t doubt their physical prowess, they may be fitter than me or i may be fitter than them, i don’t care nor judge.
    What really grinds my gears and puts me off group cycling are exactly this type of cyclist – they give us a bad reputation.
    Just remember that if everyone liked the same shape of the opposite sex then the world would be a boring place.
    We, here at our shop, love curves!


  105. colin says:

    You poor thing. Those people are horrible. I live and work in the world of cycle promotion and there is nothing that restores my faith in what I do for a living more than seeing ‘normal’ people riding bikes. It is not the domain of sporty looking elitists. If ever you go riding in Lancashire, give me a shout if you want a riding buddy, me and my beer belly will join you! Lol. Enjoy your rides and although hurtful comments hurt deep, remember that they help you to steer clear of elitism and the tossers it attracts.
    Peace and love xxxxx


  106. People tend to insult others because of their own low self esteem. Although I can appreciate how distressing it was for you, they are probably the ones with the sad life. No self respecting person would ever speak to another like that. Keep peddling keep smiling 👍


  107. Kerri Holmes says:

    This made me want to cry when I read this. How dare some other so called human being be so disrespectful and arrogant to another person who is out doing something they enjoy. It breaks my heart that people only can not see beyond the skin and realise that comments like this are hurtful and demoralising. These nasty “people” have no place in the cycling community.

    I had a totally unrelated, but just as irritating experience, a few month ago during a sportive when I fell off my bike, into the road and proceeded to roll back down the hill I’d just climbed up 😒😒 (typical), the first thing heard up in hitting the ground was being shouted at to “GET OUT THE F*****G ROAD” to which I saw an arse on a bike ploughing towards me. Luckily I was unhurt so managed to un clip and move to the side fairly quickly where a pack of lovely cyclists then make sure I was ok before continuing. My pride was more hurt because I fell in the first place and I was more annoyed that this other idiot couldn’t even give time to make sure not seriously hurt before hurling insults (and yes, I realise being in the road was not the best of places to be either and I needed to move quickly to prevent further accidents, but still….there are better ways to do this than being abusive) But anyway…..I digress, but what I’m trying to say is no matter what you do there will always be dickheads around.

    Firstly anyway, well done on getting up Box Hill, I did it for the first time a few weeks ago on RideLondon. Because I live and train in West Yorkshire on reaching the top I did wonder what the fuss was about 😉 but I saw enough people walking up it to realise that getting to the top is no small achievement so well done, keep going AND take a well deserved rest once your there to admire the view. Above all, the proud of yourself for the achievement in getting up there!

    Secondly, don’t give up your love of the sport, you are more a cyclist then these guys will ever be simply because of your attitude and determination. Email me if you ever fancy a weekend up in Yorkshire, I ride with an amazing Cycle Club whose philosophy is “no one gets left behind”, I’m always the last up a hill and I’m never, ever put down for it (I think they secretly like the rest while they wait for me), all that matters is that I enjoy it. You will be more than welcomed for a weekend of Yorkshire hospitality and good old Yorkshire Hills.


  108. Tim Male says:

    Horrible. But the right for all to use the roads is there, which unfortunately opens in up to idiots who have weird inferiority complexes.

    It’s their problem, not yours. Why they insult others is to their detriment.

    I am competitive, but I also understand that sport and activity is about people enjoying the challenges they wish to undertake.

    Stay on the roads and enjoy the ride. Just think of those guys in the same way I would: most cyclists are great people, but others lack understanding and we should feel proud that we can rise above them.


  109. Lee says:

    Ignore any pompous twats like that. I am 20 stone, but I still ride and I am definitely feeling the benefits of riding. Most cyclists are supportive and I have really enjoyed rides where I have gone with friends or clubs. Don’t give up!


  110. richardc412 says:

    i read this and find myself saddened that in this so called civilised society we still have to endure these mindless comments from a**@**@*s such as these pair. Keep cycling and enjoy the road its yours as much as anyones and its your right to ride it.


  111. Liz says:

    There is no need for behaviour like that. If you’re ever in Kent I would ride with you.ride the bike you love, at the pace that is right for you, wearing what you feel comfortable in but always wear a smile.


  112. Rebecca syddall says:

    These people are morons, probably think they are much better than they actually are and let the entire cycling sport community down by their nasty remarks, Its disgusting. I didn’t join a club (until recently) for the same reasons as you- please don’t give up this lovely sport – I hate box hill- it’s a bitch- I admire you for getting up it as I struggle!!!! I would be happy to ride with you!!!
    I must live near you as I know your route- try Thame cycling club- we are a lovely bunch, have some lovely rides and you would be amongst people who would value you in their club 🙂 xx


  113. Sam says:

    Keep cycling. Keep going on the long, dawdling routes. It’s never been only about power and speed, it’s about what you want and what you are aiming for.

    And remember, you are awesome! 😊👍


  114. Danny says:

    Why do people feel the need to comment on what other people have on/ look like?

    I’m a chunky (its cool i can admit it @ 17 stone) i cycle most days an can climb an out accelerate a lot of “skinnies” I encounter on the road.

    It also shows what type of people your abusive “commentators” were, as do you think they would have said something if you were a bloke…..I doubt it

    keep on peddaling!!


  115. If cycling was only for skinny uber fit people, the trail centres & roads up here in the Tweed Valley would be empty.

    Not full of people of all shapes, sizes and fitness out on their bikes with one thing in common, they are all enjoying themselves.


  116. Colin says:

    These were not cyclists. These were idiots thst just happened to own bikes and deserve nothing but contempt. They’re probably suffering from tiny penis complex.
    Ignore them and carry on doing your thing.
    We’re all different, that’s what makes it interesting.
    You’re doing more miles and going faster than anyone sat on a sofa so you carry on and enjoy your riding.
    Spend the time you’d be reflecting on this to think of some shape comebacks andvleaving them speechless with your wit next time!


  117. Gary says:

    Oh dear!
    As an 18 stone rugby prop forward fast approaching 50 I’m not exactly built for the bike and I’ve also experienced comments like this when I’ve been out on rides. My upside is that I’ve been involved in cycling since I was 17, and seen a dramatic change in the sport (not all good), were as you’re fairly new to it all I suspect. I worked with the GB national team long before lottery funding and, long before they started winning buckets of gold medals, and with pro riders who were lucky to scrape a meagre living in the sport.And the rise in popularity of the sport as certainly made live for the upper echelons of the sport significantly better.

    But I think there’s a downside as well. There doesn’t seem to be the “Club Culture” in cycling that there used to be. I “learnt” to ride a bike on Sunday Club runs, where you learnt to ride in an organised pace line, you acknowledged other riders on the road. All this seems to have changed, and I think that’s quite sad. I think your post is one of humility, and sums up the beauty of what riding a bike is all about. Please, please don’e turn your back on a sport that can give one so much pleasure.


  118. Lee Sutton says:

    Don’t let these imbiciles stop you! Literally turns my stomach hearing things like this!

    One thing I’ve noticed is that cycling more than any past time seems to have this small clique of elitist pricks! They’re the same people who bemoan the rise in popularity of cycling as they feel it’s only for them and how dare other people want to enjoy it.

    Keep your wheels turning and your head high 🙂


  119. Mat Chappell says:

    This story really upsets me. The first thing is not to take any notice, very easy for me to say I appreciate. Remember, cycling is for everyone, all shapes and sizes and don’t let a couple of mindless nobheads deter you from getting back out doing what you enjoy. We all cross paths on every ride with ‘elite amateurs’ who think they’re a cut above everyone else and are too good to even make eye contact let alone return a ‘hello’. But to make comments such as these is disgraceful. Don’t give up doing what you enjoy because of a couple of mindless morons.


  120. BigNev says:

    This kind of thing makes me very angry, who has got the right to talk to anyone like that? I am a fat rider who is getting fitter every ride. I just completed Paris to Swansea and had nothing but kind words, not saying that there have not been negative comments from some ignorant individuals, not that they would stop and say to my face (Says it all). Get back on your bike, bollocks to anyone that makes a comment like those riders, kudos to anyone out of the perceived norm for cyclists in getting out there.


  121. Well i think the sheer number of comments here show you that you’re not excluded from the cycling community but very much a part of it. Fuck those guys they don’t even deserve a nod. I hope the karma/puncture fairy catches them up. Good on you for tackling box hill doesn’t look like an easy one!


  122. Sophia Redfearn says:

    This is truly awful. You should be getting encouragement not ridiculed. I can sympathise as I’ve had trouble with verbal abuse from white van drivers and it’s really put me off going out on my own.
    The fact us you’re doing something that you enjoy which will benefit you health wise which is more than a lot of people do. You can be curvy and ‘fit’. Keep it up


  123. I really feel for this person as a new cyclists myself I have found that alot of road cyclists are rude and arrogant if . Only the other day I had a guy on a retro bike have a go at me in my car because i anticipated the lights not even doing anything to get in the way of him . So i politely said I was sorry and informed him i was also a cyclist and were a helmet. This person is out on a bike doing what she likes and snotty nose idiots in Rapha cc or many like them want to give people a brake and get behind them and encourage them . Its a lovely sport and past time stop the rudeness and encourage each other.


  124. Mark says:

    I’m ashamed for the idiots who you encountered. It doesn’t matter how “big or overweight” you are. If you are out on your bike you are lapping faster than anyone sat at home on the couch. I’m 15 (almost 16) stone and I did the London 100 two weekends ago slowly. But I did it. Keep your chin up and carry on.


  125. Hi there. This is so disappointing to read and I hope that you won’t let it put you off of cycling – you’ve as much right as anyone else to be out there cycling wherever and at whatever speed you want! I am a not-skinny-runner (and novice road cyclist) and go through feelings of insecurity, have had some cruel comments (thankfully not from fellow runners) plus I’ve witnessed elitism in some parts of running that puts me off participating. A little while ago I wrote a blog about it and I hope that you might find it a useful reminder that you are good enough and you’re entitled to the enjoyment and benefits of any sport you want to do regardless of how you look or how fast or hard you can do it!


  126. Alison Buckley says:

    I think you are amazing and a very brave courageous woman!! Cycling alone is great training as you do all the work, but also can be tricky at times – I know as I do it myself.
    These lowlife knobs are not even worthy of a comment, but they probably have small cocks and are henpecked by their wives ( if they even have them) and are only allowed out once a week for a ride to let out that last bit of testosterone they have in their bodies. Very sad individuals, you have to pity their lack of intelligence and social skills. You’re a million of them! Peace out 😎


  127. Brian Smith says:

    There are some nasty people out there and unfortunately some of them are cyclists. One thing i am fairly certain of is these guys will never get an opportunity to be a guest of MTN Qhubeka during a stage of the Tour of Britain. I feel sorry for your ordeal and would like you to join us during a stage of the Tour of Britain if you are free to do so. It would be our priveledge so show you that although cycling has its ugly side its still a very friendly sport. For every negative there is always a positive! Brian (GM MTN Qhubeka)


  128. Kirsty says:

    I never usually respond to shares like this though your experience make me just want to thank you for sharing as you are not alone! What mean unthinking behaviour , I truely hope you keep getting out and enjoying just seeing where the road takes you. I felt so angry and wanted to scream at their behaviour as they are bullies and gave no appreciation of what cycling should be about ! Another hug to you xx


  129. Vicki says:

    I’ve encountered similar things as a plus size runner. These people are assholes! Takes a lot of determination to even go and do these things when you’re a bit more voluptuous and then people like that seem so determined to see you fail. Get out there and prove them wrong girl, you can do it!


  130. MGS says:

    Much like your other commenters, I am appalled to hear this. I was pushing 23-stone when I started cycling and although I’ve lost a lot of weight, I’m never going to have a typical cyclist physique and I’m happy with that – I have no desire to be “skinny” (I’ve been told that I wouldn’t be the same person – not sure how to take that but I’m assuming it’s a compliment). Even at my heaviest, I never experienced anything like this.

    Please don’t let this dampen your spirits – these people do as much damage to the reputation of cyclists as those who ride dangerously and encourage drivers to take them on. These are not cyclists and should not use such a term to describe themselves – these are dickheads on bikes. By their actions, they have granted you a greater right to call yourself a cyclist than they have themselves.

    I also commute on the bike. Only 15 miles round trip a day but it’s the fun and freedom of the other rides, of either choosing to go somewhere different or deciding my route at each turn that really drives me. Get out there and do what you love, don’t let these people crush your spirit – if you do, that means they’ve won and I’m sure you don’t want that.

    It’s at times like this you need to paraphrase Winston Churchill and put them down with an essential “but when I get home, I’ll be fitter… but you will still be a twat”


  131. Keep on cycling & enyoy it, and it is doing you good!

    There are some real arrogant stupid ****WITS out there.
    They put on lycra and think they are Bradley Wiggins.
    In reality they are sad nobodies.
    Ignore them they are members of an unworthy irrelevant subspecies.


  132. Rob Evans says:

    They are arseholes.
    You are awesome.
    Their need to inflate themselves by belittling others is their problem.
    Don’t let them get the satisfaction.


  133. Don’t let idiots like them put you off cycling. I’m, how should I put it, a larger cyclist and comments like that do hurt although I’ve never had them shouted at my by fellow riders. Total respect to you for getting on a bike and trying to get fitter, people should be encouraging not disparaging. As previous people have said, they’re trying to feel better about their own inadequacies by insulting you.


  134. Anthony says:

    Well done you. You are doing something you enjoy. Whether you are stick thin or a curvey lady don’t let the f××ker get you down. You continue doing what you like. You have has much right to be on the road as anyone else. Keep going


  135. Iain watson says:

    This as dreadful. Keep doing what you want to do, keep enjoying it, and look at the comments as *their* problem, not yours. Be safe in the knowledge that they are shallow and hateful people and will NEVER be as good a person as you.

    Best wishes from Suffolk.


  136. Dave Hayden says:

    I’m gobsmacked what seem like elitist
    Twonks can be so arrogant, Ive been cycling for longer than I can remember both road and mountain bike and Lycra doesn’t do anything for my body shape, as a guy I’m conscious of being looked up and down, my bike checked by those same sort, I’m also conscious that because I’m a guy they would say anything to my face, because in the cold light of day they are bullies and cowards, you are better than they are and so am I, I enjoy our sport for all it offers, like any other sport there are the wannabe elitists that believe they are special.
    I started a local cycle club for just this reason, for social riding, to build fitness and to enjoy riding with like minded folks no matter their shape, sex or colour, because they are the true exponents of the fastest growing sport in the UK!


  137. Jane Goodison says:

    It’s the little man “willy waving” syndrome. They talk from their rear end. It’s great that you’ve shared this because you are not alone and your determination will encourage others. Keep safe 🙂


  138. Steven says:

    I am fuming about this. I’ve never heard anything so nasty in my life. Really gutted that this happened. Please don’t let this sour your riding. I’m 6-4 and 22 stone and I still go out riding my road bike. Never had any comments like this. The only thing I occasionally get is the odd rider drafting behind me because I’m a good windbreak :-). Keep your chin up and try to ignore the dickheads.


  139. Scott says:

    Holly fucking shit! Who are these people behaving like this and can I meet them and have a polite word. The upturn in cycling these days in and around Surrey has bought out far too many small dicked arseholes. They only behave like this because they are basically shit at cycling and life in general. You clearly are not. I know it is hard to ignore them, so maybe just call them something that rhymes with Jeremy Hunt, smile, breathe and enjoy the ride in itself. But ultimately keep riding and remember there are nice people out there, keep smiling and saying “Hi”. Maybe get an MTB, we seem to me much friendly.


  140. Unfortunately it’s a fact of life that there are arseholes in every walk of life and it saddens me to admit yes even amongst the cycling community, don’t let them ruin the pleasure you get from cycling! Generally I’ve found the cycling community to be warm, welcoming, friendly and none-judgemental but of course there are those that are anything but! I tend to cycle alone as yet to find a club I would enjoy joining and perhaps because I’m a smoker and don’t relish the predictable lectures and comments. I’m really pleased you wrote this article (but not that you have reason to!) and hope it gets shared and read far and wide. Perhaps a few people might be affected by it and think before they throw unpleasant comments around when passing a cyclist that doesn’t fit their idea of a ‘proper’ cyclist x


  141. This story is really sad. Please try to ignore those prats. As for cycling clubs its a shame you can’t find one. There are at least two near where I live (Yorkshire) who would make you very welcome. Despite being a larger male I do not know what its like to be abused on my bike. I do know that when I wear my club kit I get more respect on the road and more positive comments (not sure why) and I certainly get more recognition from other riders. Clubs are changing and many now are much more interested in attracting people of all abilities and guiding and nurturing them. Riding in a group is fun, I know that there are benefits of riding alone and do both as the mood suits. The most important thing is that no matter how slow you are going you are lapping those sitting on the sofa at home. Or that’s what I tell myself.


  142. Come and move to Cornwall. I don’t think you’d get that abuse down here 🙂 . And whatever shape you are (curvy sounds good to me), you are doing more exercise, and going faster than everyone sat on their sofas. Keep it up xx


  143. wendy says:

    Being a fat lass myself and at the very beginning of my cycling journey (pardon the pun) this story is definitely not very encouraging. I have only managed 3 very short rides of 6-10 miles but in fairness to myself it is the lady bits pain that lets me down. I am assured by my cycling fanatic hubby that this will get less painful?!
    I am deeply upset for my fellow female cyclist as she has more courage and determination that any of these ‘super fit’ blokes. She is trying to change her fitness, lifestyle and general body image, she ought to be admired and encouraged not made to feel insecure and inadequate. This attitude could stop her from riding and achieving her goals. These despicable riders are only doing harm to the sport and must be stopped! Cyclist struggle enough with ignorant motorist without ignorant bike riders too.
    The story at first gave me serious concerns as to whether I carry on with my attempt to cycle but the fact she carried on despite rudeness has now made me more determined.


  144. ha ha ha ha ha they are just losers who in their heads think they are competing in the Tour de France. I normally cycle in little heels or whatever I’m comfortable in. I love cycling and use it for leisure as well as fitness. I love when these arseholes commit bad road manners and suddenly this middle aged woman who has been cycling for over 20 years catches up with them and tells them what for. Don’t take it to heart these people are the ones who need help, unfeeling, smelly probably if they wear the same lycra outfits all the time. And just plain thick .


  145. Paul Livsey says:

    The horrid comments are not just cycling related the people making them are obviously like this normally, just trying to make themselves feel big! So whether cycling, running or just out about town these are the people in society who will be negative towards people and look for any angle to b8g themselves up, I don’t use the word idiot very often but that sums them up.


  146. Hannah Pittaway says:

    I live in Teddington & cycle out to Surrey way occasionally I would love to ride with you so please do get in touch don’t let these morons get in te way of your journey x Hannah Piitaway x


  147. Breeze Rides – ladies only
    Look on Strava there are groups there.
    So sorry, it happens whilst running too 😦 keep cycling though don’t let the rude arrogant men put you off.
    As they say “This Girl Can”


  148. Pam says:

    Oh, fer chrissakes, you could have just been sitting around at home, watching drivel on TV and eating crisps or something. You weren’t – you were enjoying the countryside, burning loads of calories, getting your heart beating hard… More important, you were enjoying yourself, in a nice healthy way. If people want to try and ride fast, fine, do it – but DON’T criticise other people. How dare they?

    Don’t let those ******s put you off your cycling.


  149. Martin Croxall says:

    Don’t let these idiots get you down. You’re a better person than them and (in my eyes) a better cyclist. Just get out there, enjoy yourself and do your own thing. Keep on keeping on.


  150. James says:

    All you’d have heard from me is: “Go on, girl!” Keep that in your head next time you’re out on the bike, and ignore the sad pricks who get off on putting others down to make themselves feel better. Do not let it put you off – they’re in the wrong, not you.


  151. thom wilson says:

    I hope these arseholes have read this and seen quite what a bunch of dickheads they’ve been and that totally unnecessary comments like that have such an affect on people. The fact that you went out by yourself shows how much you love riding your bike. Dont let a small minority of ubertwats put you off. If you ever find yourself up in durham with your bike it’d be a pleasure to ride with you.


  152. Carsten says:

    I’ve never heard of anything like it amongst cyclists. There is enough going on between motorists and cyclists (which there’s no need for either), that we should be supporting each other. I myself am a large cyclist and if I was near you I’d go out riding with you.
    You are doing better than the person on the sofa! Chapeau.


  153. I loved your article, thank you for writing it. I thought it was just me that gets constantly harrassed while I am on my bike and it makes me feel slightly better that I am not the only person that this happens too. I want to ride my bike thanks. I don’t need to be the fastest, the most QOMs, the most expensive, the best kitted out… I just want to be comfortable and ride my bike. I don’t ride past men and shout comments about their (often flabby middle aged) arses, so it would be nice to have the same courtesy applied to me. Keep riding and ignore the pr*cks.

    Castelli generally equals another C word that I won’t drop here 😛


  154. sharontyler61 says:

    Reading this has brought tears to my eyes! How rude and arrogant of these men! You carry on cycling – don’t let a few ignorant Wiggins wannabes put you off x


  155. Mark says:

    I’m reading this seething with anger; that any person would do this to another.

    If you’re looking for a club to join I couldn’t recommend a step I took more. I’ve no idea in what area you live, but I’ve recently joined Dulwich Paragon and
    a) they are lovely people
    b) have been super welcoming to me
    c) have a flippin’ awesome ladies section called the Paragonettes.

    Look us up. If you’re close enough come and give us a go, I haven’t met anyone that doesn’t love cycling and doing it for cycling sake….and we can all tootle up Box hill together..


  156. Andrew Newiss says:

    What utter wankers. Please don’t listen to them, as hard as it is to take. You’re out for the fun of the ride and not to compete with total dickheads. You keep going! Plus kitties make anything better. My boy Chester says meow :-). Andrew.


  157. sharontyler61 says:

    Reading this has made me cry – how rude and arrogant of these wannabe twats! I’ve seen plenty out on the roads and in sportives they think they own the road and the right to ride past at pace and with no regard to other (slower) cyclists. You keep on pedalling – you’ll get quicker (if that’s your aim) – they’ll always be class A twats!


  158. Gerry McGarr says:

    I want to cry with you reading your story – but you are a ‘Star’ continue enjoy your bike and I would be extremely proud to ride in your company one day -always a big welcome for you in and around Gloucester. Always keep a smile on your face when cycling -please no more tears -please.


  159. I get blanked by others & I am a classic roadie. But this is fucking terrible.

    I don’t care what shape you are, or anything else. I care you ride a bike. One more of us, one less of them. Anyone who rides a bike is going to be nicer to someone on a bike when they come across us when driving.

    Get back out there & enjoy what you do. Ignor them. They are ignorant.


  160. No one should EVER have to experience that.

    It shouldn’t bloody matter what we look like. The fact is we’re out on our bikes kicking ass.

    I hope those pricks get what’s coming to them.


  161. Mungo says:

    That sucks, my thinking is no matter how big or small cyclist had one thing in common, the enjoyment of the sport. I take my hat of to you, lots of people would not want to get off the sofa, let alone get out there and ride. Do what you want too. Good luck to you and please please keep riding.


  162. Mark Dickens says:

    Don’t let those small minded excuses for human beings get you down, there so not worth your tears. I myself am a proud FLAB member (fat lad at the back) check out the website 🙂 and I too will never be skinny but so what!! I enjoy riding my bike and I am lucky enough to have a few friends to go with but I also ride alone a lot I wish I was closer as if happily join you and stick two fingers up at any of those muppets while we have a coffee and a slice of cake haha believe me when I say those people are the minority and we can only hope they realise what utter scumbags they are before it’s too late. Hold your head high Hun and keep going, lots of love, Mark


  163. Wow, that’s harsh. It pains me to hear there are people who treat others that way. I know it’s easy for me to say, but I’ll do so anyway: please remember that each time one of those buggers says stuff like that they aren’t defining you, they are defining themselves… It’s tricky to keep reminding yourself of this though, then again you seem to be no stranger to tricky. Hang in there! Also try to remind yourself that your journey is entirely unique from that of everyone else. Nobody can see all you’ve done to get where you are right now, especially those who only see you in a fleeting moment.


  164. God, that’s heartbreaking. It’s awful attitudes like this that prevent larger people (especially women) from getting out there and moving their bodies for fun and pleasure, trapping us in a cycle* where we can’t get out and enjoy exercise for fear of being shamed.

    Those cyclists should be utterly ashamed at their disgusting behaviour.

    You keep cycling, you’re awesome and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Straight up box hill without stopping? I bet loads of people couldn’t do that. And I bet you get more joy from your local meandering fun rides than they do all week. You do you, grrl xxx

    *pun not intended


  165. The interesting thing about being on the receiving end of an insult is you may be able to, eventually, shake it off. When you’re the one on the sending side of an insult, you own it forever…

    Ride On, Elz, Ride On!


  166. Steve says:

    Testosterone fuelled ego cyclists – like they matter one jot. You strike me as being really sane and secure in yourself -, nobody has the right to destroy that. Somehow i don’t think they won’t figure in your life. I think what you do and how you approach it commands a lot of respect.


  167. Mick Hanson says:

    You shouldn’t cry over w#*nkers like those morons, we all have to start somewhere. You are worth ten of them!
    A couple of weeks ago I was riding my old mtb into Cleethorpes and a group of 5 roadies were coming toward me, I waved and shouted good morning to be greeted with sniggering and derision to my bike! It must be people who wear Castelli cycling gear! I just thought f**k u, when I buy my next road bike I’ll blow you away!
    Chin up your not alone! Carry on enjoying your cycling!
    Regards Mick x


  168. Christina Lawrence says:

    I feel your pain…… Joined a gym and it’s hard! Really hard! Feel like every other person is looking at my wondering why the hell I am there….. they probably aren’t and No one so far has been as rude to me as you’ve experienced but gotta keep going… least you’re trying……better than some people. Good for you!


  169. Comments like this say much more about the person saying them than the person they are saying them too.

    you’re the lucky one, you had an idiot pass you for a second, they have one with them their whole lives!


  170. Hattie says:

    What tosspots. Maybe ask if you can stick a note up at the cafe at the top of the hill with an abridged version of what happened and maybe other cyclists will take note and keep an eye out of lycra dicks? Box Hill isn’t exactly the Alpe d’Huez either even if they think they are Lance Armstrong…


  171. MIke says:

    There’s a bunch of us in Pixham who ride regularly in the area if you fancy joining us for a few miles. We’re not a club, just 3 or 4 average friendly cyclists. Sometimes it’s just a spin round Box Hill, other times anything from 20 to 50 miles. @pixham on Twitter.


  172. Helen Dixon says:

    What they said hurt because you think you are fat (you’ve said you think this in a previous blog). They hit a raw nerve in the same way as playground bullies did. You say you are a size 10-12 so there is no way you are fat. Yes, you have boobs and a curvy figure but that is completely different from being fat. You can’t change your body type – all you can do is be the fittest and healthiest you (if that’s what you want to be). Learn to love your body and forget comparing yourself with catwalk models (or even female pro cyclists). If a guy raced passed me shouting either of those insults I’d have shouted back “I can’t believe you can pedal a bike with your IQ”. I don’t believe in throwing insults first – but if they come at me, they’ll get them back. I’m currently not fit as I’m recovering from a head injury and I’ve had a guy look at my thighs at the top of a hill I’d beaten my boyfriend up, not believing I could possibly have done that without a head start. I used to race endurance mtb races and on one occasion a guy came past me shouting at me to get out his f***ing way. Yes, I was going slowly (I’d been on the bike for many hours at this point) but I was also in 2nd position in the solo women category. I did what I would have done if someone had shouted something more polite like “on the right” and pulled as far into the side as I could while still riding. Just round the corner was a section of rocky steps and as I approached them he was off his bike having crashed. I picked my way round him while saying “I’m currently in 2nd solo position. Next time think twice before insulting a slower rider. We are all racing in different categories and we all have paid the same entry fee”. There are ignorant people in all walks of life – ignore them or hit back with something cutting … But don’t stop cycling! And please – try to re-educate the way you see yourself – you are not fat and you have as much right to own and ride a bike as anyone else. Not all bike clubs are the same – but if it is riding rather than racing you are interested in I’d heartily recommend audax UK – you’ll meet many types there but the one thing everyone has in common is a love of cycling. And sometimes it is easier to motivate yourself if you are riding with someone else :-).


  173. SiWS says:

    It’s probably been said already, but I’ll say it again – the problem or the one that doesn’t fit in isn’t you. Whether you actually want to fit in or not is very much your perogative. The ones that don’t fit in are the sociopaths that find it acceptable to insult a random stranger in such a disgusting way! I really hope this doesn’t put you off and that you have the strength of character to continue riding when and where you want 🙂


  174. Andy says:

    Not from your area live in Liverpool but sorry to hear this abuse you received please keep going and if u in my city give me a call to go for a ride


  175. Ignore the ignorant pigs. They should be strung up by their balls but sadly I think we would find that they haven’t got any. Bullies in lycra. Keep up the good work. Do not let them stop you.


  176. Niovi says:

    I’ve never experienced anything like what you have – or at least I think I haven’t since I usually ride with music from my phone’s speaker. Nonetheless, I can definitely feel you since I am have big boobs and I am curvy. I have been in competitive and amateur sports since I was 10 and I’m just starting to get bike fit. We all have to start somewhere don’t we? No one was born a climber right? And the only reason you were the victim of these horrible verbal abuses is because you are a woman. And that’s the sad truth. I doubt a man with a beer belly in lycra (which is not an uncommon occurence) would be at the receiving end of such horrible comments. And that is exactly why you shouldn’t cry about it, or even pay any attention to it. Cause at the end of the day you managed to carry your bike, your curves, your big boobs and your beautiful self all alone with no tailwind up the freakin’ hill and that’s more that they can say right?


  177. Steve Jones says:

    I’m surprised the arrogant bastards could fit helmet on the dicks they have on their heads – Don’t let anyone ever make you feel like that ! They are a poor excuse for a human being and an even worse excuse for part of the cycling community ! You carry on love and ignore them – don’t get upset, use the anger to spur you on … Keep smiling and keep spinning ! Your amazing because you are YOU !!

    Hugs and smiles,



  178. clive davey says:

    please keep riding and ignore those shallow arsewipes, it maybe difficult but keep being positive. People like that shame cycling and have their heads up their own ego driven backsides.


  179. Tanya says:

    If they’re insulting you, they’re threatened by you – probably worried you’d overtake them, and had to gain an advantage in the only way they knew – mind games! Keep cycling. Keep enjoying it. Keep annoying them 😉


  180. You’ve had so many of messages of support and normally I wouldn’t bother to say anything, figuring it’s been said already, but I think in this case the more people that show you they care the better. Your blog article has really upset me. I hope the responses to it are of some comfort.

    I also hope you find some people to cycle with (if that’s what you want). You would be very welcome to join my group but we ride out of north London into Hertfordshire. I can’t believe there isn’t a similar group near you who ride socially and at a pace that would suit you.


  181. Jay Bell says:

    Ignore those d*ckheads!! I say fair play for doing box hill in the first place!
    Riding a bike is fun and the best bit is its for everyone! No matter what size shape you are or speed that you’re riding.
    It’s like they think they own the sport. Idiots.
    I pride my self on a ‘good morning’ nod or a wave to every cyclist from wannabe Tony Martins through to nannas with baskets on.
    Keep riding it’s your sport as much as theirs!!


  182. Mark says:

    That must have been hard to type so you have my full respect straight away. I’ve never really replied or left comments before on these kind of things, never having been touched or felt the need to to be honest.

    I had a long break from racing and training, discovered beer, work, women etc blah blah. I knew I’d got unfit and put a weight on but always came up with an excuse.

    One day, I decided to get the racing bike out of the shed, managed to stretch my old training gear over my extra girth and set off. Not two miles down the road I just couldn’t admit to myself how unfit I’d got, I turned around for home, got in the lounge and sat on the sofa looking down at the Lycra stretching uncomfortably over my gut. I cried. I cried like a baby.

    A few years later and some detirmination I started training properly, I started racing again after over 10 years and I got racing points on my licence. I’d done it. I’d fucking done it.

    Yes it was hard but stick with it. Don’t listen to the idiots. You can do it too.


  183. Tom Higgins says:

    What dicks. Hope that you get back out there and show them and yourself that you don’t deserve to limit yourself to a commute to work.

    There is nothing special about these castelli clad twats.. one day something will happen in their lives for them to realise that. In the meantime, don’t let them get you down- they are nobody, you are somebody.

    Get back on the hillside and smile again… just for the sake of it


  184. This says far more about them than it ever will about you. I am fat, female and a cyclist – I’ve had abuse from passing cars and sniggers from other ‘club’ cyclists in cafes etc but you know what – I can hold my head high, it’s my bike and like riding it – not to mention at my weight I’m effectively giving someone else a backie up the hills and that is really really really hard. I think some of the castelli and aso clad hill whippets should give it a go – heres an extra 8 stone for you to get up that hill – off you go lets now let’s see how you cope with that power to weight ratio! So how about giving yourself some credit for getting out there and doing your best. I think you’re doing great. I’ve lost some weight but lots to go – don’t let those who are a narrow minded enough to take a cheap shot put you off. You go girl …. And I will too.


  185. Paul says:

    Really sad to hear that you have encountered the dregs of humanity. I love the feeling of freedom a bike gives and it is such a shame when morons feel the need to attempt to belittle others.

    Keep your chin up and remember why you love riding.


  186. Big Dave says:

    Gob smacked !
    Never heard of this before !
    (Anglo-saxon swearing them )
    Do they swear at familys cycling along i wonder ?
    Everyone is allowed to cycle the rds they are open to all, not just bellends in lycra!
    Dont forget the most drooled over female form is not stick like but curvy.
    Am so angry at them …. hope they blow their cruciate ligaments and cartilage!
    Big hug Dave.


  187. Harold says:

    Don’t let those assholes get you down. I love reading your blog and you are a beautiful woman with a wonderful outlook on life and cycling. Keep smiling 🙂


  188. Graham Botham says:

    Good on you for shaming them. This is a sport for all of us enjoy not just those who pretend they are the bee’s knees but don’t know how civilised people behave. You keep getting out there thousands of us are with you. Have a cafe stop at Box Hill cafe it looked great when I went past on Ride London having come down from Yorkshire. Don’t give in to the idiots.


  189. I’m on your strava fly by “Jason Blay” we were the Wallington Group at the bottom of box chatting to the pensioner opposite the hotel. I wish I’d seen you were upset we’d have definitely helped you along. I can’t believe the abuse you got for pursuing your hobby. Don’t let these morons put you off and make sure you name and shame!


  190. Elaine e says:

    What a bunch of🔔ends! Take no bloody notice of them. So what – you’re not skinny Minnie – got nothing to do with them – you are riding for you – no one else and if you enjoy it good, and if it makes you feel better and fitter even better. Have a look at the sky Breeze rides might be something there that you can join in with. 👍🏻👏👏


  191. Stu Patterson says:

    I was horrified to read this, Why would people want to behave like that? As a fat bloke on a bike I’m a bit self conscious, and that’s the main reason I still ride alone, as I guess I’m a little worried about being too slow or something, but I would never have thought anyone would come out with things like that.
    I guess I just wanted to show my support along with everyone else, don’t let them get you down.


  192. Alex w says:

    Keep going and don’t listen to the idiots . I’m a big build lad and not a typical cyclist build and more of a rugby player build .

    I laugh and joke about some of the comments and it just makes me more determined .

    Keep going and don’t give a shit what others think .


  193. Cath says:

    Unfortunately there are idiots like those two everywhere nowadays.

    I got verbally abused in the cinema (for the 2nd time in as many months) at a 2.20pm showing of a 12A – for asking the guy behind me to “please stop kicking my seat – I have a back problem!” He replied to me and a lady a few seats along – “turn around the screen is that way”

    This was 20 mins before end of film and by this time, after constantly looking round each time my seat got kicked, my back started hurting badly.

    At the end of the film he tried to stand over me and intimidate me while shouting in my face – telling me it was my fault for being short and fat !!!!

    This dispite arriving after he and his girlfriend were seated – using a walking stick and having to sit down slowly as can’t bend easily (and seats are low – for me anyway) and then put a cushion behind me for comfort for my lower back

    Ignorant people like that will get their cumupence at some point

    It’s called “karma” and they have a lot of the bad kind waiting for them !

    I know how hard it is to ignore when it is shouted in your face – manners maketh the man – they obviously missed out on that part of social behaviour training 😦


  194. Clare Mills says:

    Please please please don’t let those *expletives deleted* deter you from the joy of riding a bike. They clearly have self esteem issues of their own and are failing to deal with them if they feel good from being so horrible to you. And if you are ever in Northumberland we can ride together. Keep pedalling x


  195. Michelle Chalmers says:

    Oh good grief – some people are such fucksticks! Like you I am (polite boyfriend speak) ‘curvy and jiggley’. And like you I ride. Often alone, despite being in a couple of riding clubs, as I enjoy the countryside I ride through and the peace. And like you people feel obliged to tell me I’m fat. I know I’m fat. Fat is not a personality flaw. Or a fault. It is just a body (and a bit extra lol). Shallow, mindless, rude, offensive….now those are serious flaws. You’ll never get to tell the fucksticks that of course, but it doesn’t really matter as they are already a waste of your time. Keep riding…you do it for you, so don’t quit for someone else.


  196. Melissa at SMCC says:

    Not sure where you’re based, but we’re a very welcoming and social club in St Margarets next to Richmond, South West London. We do not discriminate on body size, however anyone taking themselves too seriously will find themselves in the minority. We are relaxed and inclusive and ride routes into Surrey on a regular basis. We’d be happy for you to join us for a ride anytime. See St Margarets Cycling Club on Facebook.


  197. Nicola Glover says:

    Please dont stop because of the cruel words of men who clearly havent put their brain in gear. Cycle on regardless. Pity them. Know that there are lots of us raising young men (and women) to never say such heartless and unnecessary things and who in fact would pull up those that do. Enjoy your cycling, enjoy the beauty of the world around and enjoy the feeling if getting fitter and strong. And stick two fingers up at the idiots who tried to spoil it because that was the only way they could find pleasure on a ride.


  198. If it makes any difference, the idiots shouting you down have made you write your post, which appeared on a friend’s twitter, which took me to your blog and that has now been added to my daily “Morning Reading” folder in my favourites.

    No-one is born a cyclist, but everyone is born to enjoy riding a bike. Keep going out and turning the pedals.

    You seem to be underestimating the fact that you’re climbing box hill as well. It’s not an Olympic route for nothing.

    Hope you keep riding the bike for you!


  199. Wirral Wanderer says:

    there is absolutely no need for bad mouthing any on who gets on their bike very shameful ….. would of been different if you had someone with you very brave picking on a single rider .. makes me so mad hate nasty narrow minded people who think they are better than yourself .. I have come across a few while I been riding … but I`m getting faster and going further and I proved to a few last year by doing 10k miles haha in their face …. next June going to prove I can climb better than the egotistic few you presume their better than me .. plan to do 30k ft climbing in 24 hours …. anyway enough of me babbling on … keep riding and be safe
    Wirral Wanderer (can find me on face book)
    p.s you always be welcome to ride with me and my friends anytime


  200. Opus the Poet says:

    As a cyclist whose weight fluctuates around the Clydesdale cutoff point I can sympathise about the insult. Just remember illegitimi non carborundum, “don’t let the bastards grind you down”.


  201. I know where you are coming from on this one. I am a 20 stone bloke who had the same problems.
    I ended up starting a great bike club called the Phatboys mtb club.
    I have a poster that helps me when feeling down – Its a cyclist struggling to get up a hill and the caption reads “no matter how slow you go, your still lapping everyone on the couch”. That helps a lot.
    Just use that anger that you get from dumb cyclists (and drivers more often than not!) and use it to turn those pedals.
    It might be worth looking at setting up a local group on Facebook for folks of a similar fitness level? That’s what we did, and now have loads of members and compete in big events as “The Phatboys”. We get a lot of respect (and even have sponsors now!)
    I would be happy to help if you like. Keep you chin up and be proud of your curves.


  202. Hugh says:

    H’mm, useful reminder of the importance of a nod, smile or a sort-of-wave-by-taking-three-fingers-off-the-brake-hood. May mean more to the other person than I sometimes think.


  203. LoveCycling says:

    It’s fantastic you’re out getting fit. Idiots like that would only strengthen my resolve and make me even more determined to keep at it.
    As for wearing full sets of labelled outfits just screams “SADDO”!!!!!! Cyclists trying to look like professionals on the Tour de France ha ha it doesn’t make you a better cyclist, just a tit!!!


  204. I’m appalled for you. I can’t even imagine a scenario where any decent human being would think this acceptable behaviour!

    Please don’t let these thoughtless individuals put you off from enjoying what really is and should be a sport and leisure pastime for all. Xx


  205. Guy says:

    I haven’t read the other comments so apologies if I am repeating stuff. Firstly, how sad are they? Pathetic, immature, plain nasty, any of those descriptions and worse spring to mind. Secondly, please please don’t let them put you off cycling, there are a hell of a lot of us who would never say something like that. My first ever ride was the london to Brighton. I’m a tall skinny guy and I managed it fairly easily. When people were impressed, my reaction was to suggest they should admire the unfit and over weight participants. They are the real heroes. And when I see a larger person going up a hill I want to say something nice to give them encouragement however I worry that it will be patronising or rude to say anything. As someone who has had such negative comments shouted at you Perhaps you can tell me what is the right thing to do? Would you be offended if some well intentioned person came past and said chapeau ? Hope to see you on the road. Guy from Rocketbike cycle club.


  206. Moo says:

    Idiots will always be idiots, you will always be a winner. Do not let them take away your joy of cycling – they are no more important than you. Kudos for box – did that myself the first time recently. Enjoy the freedom your bike gives you, follow your own path and chose to let those arses be insignificant in your world x


  207. hans says:

    Asses are everywhere. Once I had a biker with his racer behind me on the touring bike in the wind for about 2k just to get taken over then and spitted wright in the face.


  208. Nicola Stokes says:

    Please don’t let those words get to you. You are out there making yourself fitter. These people annoy me as hell because they think they own the road. It is the same with runners that we shouldn’t be running and they only see fat people being lazy. Keep you chin held high and smile as Karma will come and kick them on their bums.


  209. Jo Finkel says:

    huge congrats on getting a road bike in the first place – not easy and often pretty scary. everyone’s been a beginner and it’s sad that these idiots forget that and haven’t passed on the support and encouragement they probably received when starting out. Have you had a look at Breeze Rides or Sky Rides which are pretty good & inclusive. In the meantime, Sod’em and keep going, get up that hill and enjoy the view, continue being inspirational and pass on your support to newbies. good luck!


  210. Paul says:

    Riding is for everyone, and those who zoom along because they were physiologically lucky should bow to those who ride for the love of it. Keep on riding, the road belongs to you more than it does to those less-than-humans.


  211. Gaz says:

    Arseholes, that is so unbelievable and cowardly. Keep your head up and enjoy riding, don’t let insecure nob heads ruin your rides x


  212. Incensed is the only word I can think of right now, especially as I am fortunate enough to have good friends around me who love to cycle. I proudly wear my Fat Lad at the Back top: Last up the hill, first one down! All those other larger cyclists know the struggle but love the ride. (you’ve made their FB page and the outrage is palpable
    Look at all the encouragement you’ve had “Never give up, Never Surrender!”


  213. Duncan says:

    Sorry to hear of that terrible experience. There are arseholes in all walks of life, shame some of them have bikes. If you are looking for a friendly group to ride with, I can recommend Bike Beans in Ashtead. Sounds like it might be near you. It’s not a club, just a cafe-based community. I found them very welcoming and encouraging. They post their group rides on their Facebook page. All the best and happy riding 🙂


  214. Zoe says:

    Fellow fat rider here. There are lots of us about and who cares what other people think, we just like riding our bikes.

    I’m always a bit bemused when people abuse us for being fat while exercising. There is so much lack of logic there I don’t know where to start. So I don’t bother, I just ignore them.


  215. Chad Cannan says:

    That’s bloody disgusting. Bloody elitist cyclist.
    I’m about 19 stone and love cycling, like the freedom and fresh air. Hills kill me but as you mentioned I’m slowly getting fitter.
    I think if someone shouted that passed me I’d seriously find the energy to catch them up and give em a kickin.
    Keep going and ignore these elitist idiots.


  216. Cee says:

    I’m really sorry to read about your awful experience. Gutting to think not all of our fellow cyclists are looking out for each other – especially with the death toll growing week in and week out.
    Im not a skinny cyclist either and have also been subject to very similar verbal abuse whilst out cycling, on a particularly lonely stretch of the London sportive…. “You’ll never make it fatty” was the delight I was subjected to (like I could forget…. That ones burned into my psyche). Did I cry…. You bet your ass I did but I did finish – YES! Was it a fast time, no but I was proud to have finished my first 100 miles.
    From time to time, I still get nervous before heading out whether alone or with a group but I go anyway so f@#k those Lycra clad jumped up tw@ts and ride your bike when and where you like!


  217. I was heartsick to read this. Such assholes! I think cycling is an accurate reflection of the human race. Lots of us out there doing the best that we can, but there’s always some dip-shit out there that has to be hurtful – if only just to make himself feel better.
    We all say bravo on your ride and your writing! Both are beautiful! Be sure to get back on your bike and don’t let ANYone keep you from pursuing that beauty. Many thanks for sharing.
    Your newest blog fan – Nick Erpelding, Pittsboro, North Carolina, US


  218. Do you know what, screw them.
    I know how tough it is to find the courage to ride with a group when you are trying to improve your fitness. And then subsequently how hard it is to motivate yourself to ride alone. I
    Dont let them take it from you, its your road too. Own it.
    If i lived down south, i would love to ride with you. I too will never be tiny, cycling won’t shrink my hip bones or my boobs (which i happen to like) but thats not why i ride. I ride because i bloody love it x


  219. Susan Otcenas says:

    As a female with a, shall we say, sub-optimal power to weight ratio, your story makes me both sad and angry. We have as much right to enjoy our time on the bike as the next person, regardless of our speed or physique. I hope you will not let this experience keep you from riding, because if you do, then they “win”. The best way to tell them to fuck off is to simply keep riding and doing what you love. I wish you all the best.


  220. Oh, don’t let them take away a thing you otherwise enjoy. Just think how miserable they must be in themselves, to say things like that. Hope you keep cycling. (and I know how it feels to have no local friends- it’s hard. Hang in there) xx


  221. Michelle says:

    Hi there… I hope you do t give up, ignore those mindless comments. They probably all have small ‘Dicks’. I am 18 stones, size 22 clothes, I can’t buy ‘proper’ cycling clothes and make do with baggy gear! I have joined a cycle club and they are great. They have a beginners group, I cycle with them and we do hill training and loops. I really would try to find something you can join even if you have to travel a bit. But please don’t give up!


  222. Laura says:

    i am a plus size cyclist and I would have felt exactly the same if that had happened to me check out ‘breeze’ cycling local female rides at slowest cyclist pace for enjoyment and ‘ride the night 2016’ for women and charity. Keep going if it’s something you enjoy do not let those people stop you! I have noticed people can’t keep opinions to themselves so try to ‘shake it off’. I hope they get a puncture next time! ☺️ that would be karma!


  223. Ocean says:

    Don’t take no notice of small minded people.they wasn’t born on a bike. As for fitting in, I think you fit in nicely. Have you look up it’s cycling for woman only. It’s run by woman for woman, it’s British cycling based and we have some fantastic lady’s running some fantastic rides of all abilities.
    Please don’t give up, your doing great. And remember it’s about the enjoyment.


  224. Drew Sharkey says:

    Hey fellow cyclist,

    I never reply to stuff and don’t do social media really but couldn’t help myself here.

    I am a skinny racing cyclist and think it’s fantastic that people of all abilities and sizes are taking up cycling.

    Come and visit Scotland for a cycling trip up the west coast islands. You’ll get nothing but smiles and bit of rain. We’re nice up here.

    Next time some skinny dickhead gives you grief just say “fuck off doper”.

    Anyway – don’t stop cycling…..but look to join a club – you won’t regret it.


  225. OMG. I can’t believe that. Fuck them. You did get your fat arse up the hill. And you will continue to get it up there. I hope he gets a big, festering boil on his backside right where his skinny hard saddle goes. Idiots.


  226. Richard says:

    Just ignore the obviously chauvinistic pigs that think they are better than you.
    You are out there on your bike and before that clearly enjoying it.

    Don’t let them get you down, just go out and ride for you. Prove them all wrong that although you may be on the larger side you have more heart, determination and are a nicer person.

    I mountain bike and am larger than most people I ride with. But I’m out there and feeling better for it.

    If I’m ever near by, have family that way, and I see you I will try and keep up and give encouragement and put a smile on someone who shares my hobby.


  227. Amannda says:

    I’m sat here crying along with you after reading that….. now wipe away those tears, stick your middle finger up at the c#nt$ and get back on your bike !!!
    You are an inspiration and should be proud as punch of yourself. I’m 10st over weight and have just this week ordered myself a bike. I’m anticipating the jeers and heckles, and no doubt will cry too, but my middle finger will be going up everytime along with a “screw you” (if i have enough breath ).
    I applaud you for your effort and courage and gritty determination xxxxxx


  228. Jez Bonnar says:

    Don’t give up, these are sad little men with no thought of anyone but their own pathetic a selves. Keep going and keep enjoying it! We would welcome you into our club, Velo Club Tring and would treat you like the fine lady you are!


  229. Sue says:

    You go girl – love the fact you’re out there enjoying biking. That’s all that matters for me, don’t care what shape you are. As for those tossers, ignore them – you’re worth 10 of them!


  230. lynn says:

    Wow, what a dickheads! you already have 292 comments but I just wanted to add some more support! We’re not all lucky to be slim, lucky, well only from health perspective I think it really matters anyway. You’re just as welcome to cycle as anyone! It’s great you’re getting fitter through cycling.

    I can really understand how it crushes your spirit down, but you did not give in and cycled all the way up Box again!
    Now, that’s something to be proud of! I’d prob break down in tears too, even though these guys don’t deserve it.

    Ugh, I’m disgusted by this behaviour!


  231. What a horrible thing to say to someone, I can’t imagine what would prompt someone to do that. How DARE they upset you, you’re great.

    I’m like you, I like to meander rather than race. I’m slow up hills but I persevere and enjoy the sense of achievement. Sod what the others think, I know I can cycle five consecutive 100 mile days even if I am fat and slow. And you sound just the sort of person I’d want to be in a cycling club with.

    Happy cycling xx


  232. I’m sorry to read this. As an ex-Rugby player and Surrey cyclist, I regularly watch people pass me as I pootle my way up Box Hill hauling me fat arse at a mighty 6-8mph up there.
    But sod em. The problem is with them not you! Shame I wasn’t about at the time, they soon would have had a fruitful discussion!
    All the best


  233. James MEL says:

    Wankers. Ignore them, they’re obviously very unhappy and unsatisfied inside with their lives, work, family, relationships etc if making nasty remarks like that makes them feel good. Maybe their wife left them. Or maybe they’re hopeless in bed. Maybe they got passed over for promotion. Whatever. When you go home you’re probably happier than they are.
    Keep up your riding. PS I ride alone too, simply because I prefer it.


  234. ceebee247 says:

    Unfortunately there are idiots in all walks of life. However, cycling is inclusive and i don’t care if your an excellent cyclist or a newbie just starting out, the main thing is you are out on your bike enjoying yourself. So tell these muppets to Sod off and keep cycling. These guys are very much the minority and an unpleasant one at that. So whilst i know its hard, just ignore them and think of all the replies you have had with messages of support – those are the true cyclists.


  235. Tracy Hodgson says:


    I was mortified when I heard this . You have just as much right to be on the road as anyone else . I know that it must of hurt , but get back on that bike hold your head up high . I think the longer you leaving the less likely to get back on just focus on all support that you have had here . If I were lived closer to you I’d come out for a ride .


  236. Mark says:

    I am in awe of anyone who seeks to improve their fitness, health and lose weight on a bike because I know what it means and I’ve seen so many do it. It saddens me that you have had this experience from fellow cyclists especially and can imagine how discouraging this would be. Please find friends to cycle with, support, encourage and motivate its what our cyc!ing club did for me and in turn I do for others. Don’t give up and don’t let this bad experience ruin something amazing for you.


  237. Pete B says:

    Please don’t let wankers like this put you off riding. They are the “Tiny” ( In more ways than one), minority who don’t deserve to be on the roads with the rest of us normal riders. Get back on your bike, get over to Box Hill and smash it !! Show them you won’t be intimidated by tiny brained and tiny dicked tossers. I’m very sad somebody had to be so horrible to you. F**k them !!!


  238. Phil says:

    Never let the idiots of the world get you down!!

    Keep doing what you love!

    There are some nice cyclists out there and some nice clubs! Look out of Woking CC they will always say hello

    Keep riding


  239. Beatsbydesign says:

    Honestly, stuff like this grinds my gears. Wannabe pro racers really are ruining the friendliness of cycling. They are always thw cockwombles that dont say Hi or hang on your wheel for mile after mile then overtake you and not offer a back wheel. To be fair they could have been wearing anything and they woukd still be a bunch of twats. Dont let them put you off.

    Carry on cycling, enjoy the scenery and do it at your own pace. And smile while you do it. I will happily go out and keep you company on a ride! Be warned I do own a few items of castelli.


  240. Don’t let it linger on your mind. If you enjoy cycling, keep doing it and ignore the scumbags who think they are above everyone else. These are probably the to$$ers who don’t stop at red lights or ride 4 abreast.


  241. please don’t let these complete morons stop you, what sad small minded idiots they are to say such horrible things to somebody just trying to enjoy a bike ride. They are not representative of the vast majority of cyclists, male or female.


  242. helen says:

    I know that feeling of not belonging in road cycling. I am lucky enough to not have received the abuse you have but being a curvaceous lady with big boobs I have felt out of place even though I completed a 58 miles sportive and should be proud there is still that feeling of I don’t fit in Lycra!! The attitude should be well done for doing it instead of sitting an your bum in front of the tv, but its not!. Keep cycling ignore the arrogant ones next time shout out that at least you are doing it!! xx


  243. Erika Exelby says:

    Cycling, whether it’s road, MTB or anything in between is a sport that is not prejudist as it caters for all levels and abilities of riders. People who make comments like that have lost the purpose of cycling and the sport has no room for morons like those. If you ever decide to pedal your way over to the Forest of Dean you’ll be more than welcomed here!


  244. Scorpions aren't all that says: brought me in absolute shock that fellow riders can be so horrible and heartless. I say sod em, don’t take it to heart, don’t let them win and don’t think about quitting.



  245. Kath says:

    Don’t you dare let those inconsiderate bullies get to you ..
    I pootle on my own too and I’m proud I do ..
    Keep going with your chin held high my lovely fellow cyclist ..
    I need people like you to wave to when I go past rather than those few people who think they are better than us ..
    Huge hugs to you


  246. That’s equal amounts of infuriating, horrifying and heartbreaking. I’d tell you not to let it stop you from enjoying yourself but those are pretty hollow words when I understand how it feels to have your efforts undermined so succinctly and completely.

    Not to compare any experiences but whenever people try to put me down like that, I do my level best (and it’s never easy) to spin that negativity around into a driving force to motivates me to do better. Not to prove them wrong, or to get to get back at them or whatever, but simply because if I didn’t spin it around I’d let it eat me up and wear me down.

    I guess my advice (what else is the internet for, except dispensing unsolicited advice?!) is that you read and re-read every comment on here, and let their positivity seep into your bones.
    Oh and next time someone feels the need to comment, the correct responses is “Piss off home to your bored wife, love.” 🙂


  247. That’s equal amounts of infuriating, horrifying and heartbreaking. I’d tell you not to let it stop you from enjoying yourself but those are pretty hollow words when I understand how it feels to have your efforts undermined so succinctly and completely.

    Not to compare any experiences but whenever people try to put me down like that, I do my level best (and it’s never easy) to spin that negativity around into a driving force to motivates me to do better. Not to prove them wrong, or to get to get back at them or whatever, but simply because if I didn’t spin it around I’d let it eat me up and wear me down.

    I guess my advice (what else is the internet for, except dispensing unsolicited advice?!) is that you read and re-read every comment on here, and let their positivity seep into your bones.
    Oh and next time someone feels the need to comment, the correct responses is “Piss off home to your bored wife, love.” 🙂


  248. I’m sure I’m not the first to say it but stick with it and sod the losers. I ride – not as often as I’d like – but I’ll never be the fastest or the fittest.

    Those idiots might be faster (or slimmer) but with their attitude they’re the losers in my eyes.

    Good luck with everything.


  249. Awful. Astounding. And disgusting. I’m truly amazed at the ignorance of those guys. As a rotund, wrong-side of 40, but very enthusiastic cyclist, I’d say please don’t let these d***heads put you off the sport you love. I’ve come to expect abuse from (a minority) of motorists, but not from fellow cyclists, and abuse like that which you describe (on the basis of gender/shape/size) is really, truly, terrible.


  250. Jason says:

    Don’t let those morons put you off cycling , anyone who makes the effort and goes out and turns the pedals gets respect in my book . You would be more than welcome to ride with us at
    Woking cc


  251. cakevsscales says:

    I can see there’s a lot of comments so I only assume I’ll be mirroring what’s already been said…
    But this story fills me with fury; fury because people think it’s acceptable to make those kind of comments (since when?!) and sadness because this is what puts people off hitting the road, fear they’ll be heckled…
    Everyone has a right to enjoy sport and by eck petal you’d be out cycling me any day of the week! x


  252. mombee says:

    Don’t let these knobs get the better of you… as they say in Eastenders “Leave it, they’re not worth it”. We get the same down on the Bristol-Bath cycle path on a Sunday, with the occasion wannabe lycra tw*t racing through the kids and cursing… they’re a danger to everyone, but they’re only doing it because they’re sad and shallow and are scared witless of having to ride against proper grown-ups. And if you carry on doing exactly what you’re doing now and build up the miles, you’ll be whipping their sad butts up Box Hill this time next year… Good luck.


  253. Disclosure: I race, I’m fairly skinny for my age and I wear black Castelli kit. But if I had heard those guys say that kind of thing to you, I would have half wheeled them all the way up Box and then elbowed them in the gutter! How dare they do that to you!!! Appalling.

    Cycling is for everyone and socially inadequate individuals like that should not put you off what is a fabulous sport/ past time. There are some very good cycling clubs around with social sections and female only rides also. You have as much right to be on the road as anyone else and please never, ever forget that.

    Kudos to you, madam! 🙂


  254. Wendy says:

    You are perfect. Perfect for sharing this so openly. Perfect for keeping going up that damn hill. Perfect for trying. Perfect for letting go of those tears. Perfect for you. Their words are an attempt to oppress and bully you. But you are perfect for whatever you choose and however you choose to do it.


  255. Perry says:

    It’s such a sad thing to hear, it seems to be a certain sort of idiot you only find in the UK, I see these people at ski resorts all the time giving Brits a bad name. Pleased to see you’re getting support here though, don’t let these pigs get to you!


  256. Keep riding it’s the best and the countryside we have in surrey is lovely. I really recommend joining a club, The SWRC and Dorking clubs aren’t too far from you, are friendly and have a group to suit you. Let me know if I can be of any use.


  257. Nick Erpelding says:

    My intent is not to advertise, but Pearl Izumi has really struck a chord in me with their “Pact” to take cycling back. It seems we’re not alone in our outrage and disdain for asses among our cycling community. #EndureandEnjoy


  258. Lars says:

    Fuck it. You deserve to cycle. Not some prick on a to expensive bike should keep you from it. And i like a “curvy” girl, my girlfriend is one to, aspecialy on a bike. Keep up the cycling, love


  259. Stuart Cooper says:

    Don’t let it upset you. They need your sympathy. They’re so ugly inside that they feel that is how they need to speak to another human being. I’d like to know what demons they’ve had in their life to make them so damaged. Cycling gives freedom for everyone and please don’t forget that.
    Also us real men love big hips and big boobs! X


  260. Chocolate lover says:

    What total utter F@#kwit black and deckers. Complete cockwombles. Hope you feel better now. Much love from another curvy lass who is much lazier than you and doesn’t cycle uphill unless there is tea and cake at the top XXX.


  261. AnalogueAndy says:

    You’re a star 🙂 They are the ones who need to get off the road, not you 🙂

    Keep riding, keep smiling and don’t let the bastards win 🙂

    Ride London next year?


  262. Stuart McTighe says:

    These people are the same up their arse pricks that used to play golf, then got out and buy the best cycling gear and think they are kings of the road. They are not real cyclists, they don’t do it for the pleasure and joy of getting fit and the love of the sport. There are so many out there now and its becoming embarrassing. But i do enjoy passing them on my 90’s steel winter bike up Cheddar Gorge and watching their faces sink 🙂
    Everybody who rides a bike for whatever reason should be encouraged, if your overweight and decided to take up cycling I applaud you, you are the ones we need on the road and not those pricks.


  263. Claire says:

    Bastards are like buses, sometimes you get a few coming along at a time. Sorry they made you feel bad.. Hope you feel better and get back on your bike soon while the weather’s still lovely xx


  264. Si God says:

    I saw an article on, and was quite moved by your story. There really are some complete tossers out there on the road, it really sickens me – I hope you’ve been able to put them behind you and get back on the country roads.

    If you’re looking for a friendly club to ride with, try De Ver Cycles who are based out of shop in Streatham. The riders are a good supportive unpretentious bunch from all backgrounds, who go out in three groups on Saturday mornings and ride around the lanes of Kent and Surrey. It may be a bit of a trek for you to get there for 9am, but could be well worth it. Call the shop for details, which can be found on their website and fb.

    Hope to see you on the roads!


  265. Gags says:

    I too ride alone. A middle aged bloke who had too much around the guts (lost a fair bit of it now) but choosign to ride alone because i dont want to deal with tossers and plonkers that see every ride and everything as a competition and I dont want to spend countless hours with arseholes that put down others and their equipment just because it helps them justify their own pompous existence.

    I hope that I find a group where this doesnt happen but as yet I’m not sure I will find a bunch like that.

    What I do know from riding alone is this……I love riding. I love the wind, the freedom, the slow plod up the hill and the whiiiiiizzzzzz as you coast down the other side. I love saying g’day to the people in their front gardens, waving to the cars that show respect and courtesy, the nature and sights that I cycle past and of course I love the fact that its good for me.

    What I really love though is that its fun, enjoyable and I love that ‘spent’ physical tired feeling when I’m done.

    Hope you can put these morons behind you and focus on the good bits. Its way too much fun to let a couple of arse clowns spoil it.

    And for the rest of us normal riders out there……keep waving, smiling and encouraging each other. The toss pots wont wave and they will just roll on by stuck in their superiority bubble but you know what…..I reckon they’ve forgotten why the ride anyway and that makes them the real losers.


  266. Janet says:

    I completely understand how you feel! I have had similar comments made and have even had a very large man run across the road towards me on a hill screaming ‘come here fatty’. I cycle a lot by myself and I think there are two types of cyclists- those whole love it and celebrate it, and then those who do it and feel they have to prove that they are better and will go out of their way to make it an unpleasant experience for anyone who gets in their way. My heart goes out to you but don’t let those dickheads stop you from enjoying it.


  267. Andy says:

    I saw your post via Don’t let these idiots put you off riding. Cycling is for everyone regardless of how fit you are. Ignore the haters, surround yourself with nice people and keep doing what you love. x


  268. Things like this make me weep for humanity. Why are cyclists so judgemental of size ? It’s awful to think that your confidence has taken a knock, I hope you get out there enjoy the bike again asap.


  269. KLM says:

    I know you probably won’t get to read this, but if you do. The man in black also shouted at a couple of ladies I know who were also cycling up Box Hill that day, so it is definitely his problem. I wonder if you have eever heard of the British Cycling programme called Breeze. It’s aim is to get more women cycling. I’m not sure if there is a champion near you or not. As a size 16 curvy lady ride I’m sure I would have reacted in the same way as you, very upset. Hope you keep cycling.


  270. sardonick says:

    $5,000 and flashy kit doesn’t make you a cyclist. Getting on a bike and being the best version of you does. You are the real cyclist here, not those piece of shit morons that deserve their jaws broken. Keep riding. Keep pressing forward. Those useless wastes of flesh will be left behind for good.


  271. I know it’s easier said than done, but ignore those wankers. There’s plenty of them out on the road, and they’re just projecting their own insecurities and misery. Good on you for having fun and exploring whilst cycling. More people should treat cycling as a form of play imo! Don’t let these morons get you down. Keep up the good work and have fun at it!


  272. Roy C says:

    I aspire to cycling the distance and elevation you do, keep it up and remember they are the ones with the problem not you. You encourage people like me to improve, they are just low life with a chat attitude no matter what they wear or ride.


  273. helen nicholls says:

    Anytime you would like company on a ride let me know as it would be a privilege to ride with you and support you up some of those nasty hills. Makes me appreciate the lovely guys who I ride with who are big enough to be dropped by a ‘girl’ and are proud… just like I am proud of anyone who gets on a bike and rides. open invite to come and ride the lanes of the South Downs any time x keep rolling


  274. william says:

    What a sad pair of individuals, ignore them they are the ones who should be ashamed, you keep riding and don’t let anyone stop you. Keep it going and enjoy turning that crank. I do and I am not a skinny chap fat lad at the back is where I cycle but I love it and I will improve. stick to yourcycling babe ignore these sad people!


  275. Dan says:

    I can imagine it’s very painful, not to mention more than a little intimidating, to be heckled by a man, or men, when you’re out riding on your own. There’s absolutely no humanity in behaving like that — they must know the damage such a comment can do.

    I’m going to assume they’re reading this, and say the following:

    — You’re not men. Men would have smiled and said ‘Good morning’.
    — Box Hill is not a hill. If you’re going to be smart-arsed, do it on a proper hill. You pansies.
    — Congratulations on having been born club-level cyclists. I’m glad you never had to be beginners. Chapeau.
    — Ok, Box Hill is a hill. But it’s not a mountain. It has a road. Ride your road bike up it. Or can’t you afford one. You failure.
    — I’m sure that, as a committed cyclist, you think you have some kind of claim to Box Hill. Or the road in general. You don’t. You ride Box Hill because I allow it. Because me and my friends don’t wait half way up to hurl abuse at you and knock you off your bike and make you scared to take that right turn and head up the hill. Perhaps you could show another human the same courtesy.
    — Fuck you.

    Keep riding, my friend. Accept that there are, unfortunately, dickheads everywhere. Don’t let it stop you for one second xxx


  276. Paulo says:

    When I or my riding mates see other lone cyclists I always have a good chat and a appreciative nod. Who are these are utter idiots. It worse on the road (while road riding is the new golf) IMO trial riding is a little freindlier although idiots can be everywhere).


  277. I’m so sorry this has happened to you, please don’t let it put you off cycling as it’s the best sport in the world. Don’t let the bastards get you down – and hit me up if you ever want a cycling buddy in the Surrey Hill.


  278. dan says:

    I suffered from horrendous cystic acne when I was 19 – locked myself away for several weeks and missed part of my college course. When I returned to college I walked past a girl and a few seconds later she shouted ‘ac-neee’ at the top of her voice to impress her mates so I can imagine exactly how you felt. Such people are tossers all you can really do is hurl some abuse back and make it much more cutting than theirs – their teeth, their ears, their nose anything you spot you can guarantee they’ll have insecurities about.


  279. For what it’s worth, the replies here show those few abusive morons are thankfully very much in the minority.

    It’s easier said than done but please try to concentrate on the outpouring of support here and (presumably) elsewhere. I can be sure it far outweighs any negativity on the part of insignificant fools.

    The idiots who abused you are stuck being like that their whole lives and you only had to put up with them for a few seconds. Imagine living like that. You’re definitely better off than they are.

    If you’re ever over in N.Ireland you’re very welcome to come out with our cycle club. We’d be delighted to have you as a ‘guest’ on a club run.


  280. Craig Orrell says:

    I’m shocked and saddened to hear about the verbal abuse you got whilst out on your ride. As usual its the minority who feel the need to express themselves in this way. Its a pity really as the cycling community are generally good natured and judging by the posts above this confirms it.

    Hope you pluck up the courage to get out there again, after all its for your benefit and well being.


  281. Just read this. I’ve had a few comments myself – certainly when I was 3 stone heavier than I am now – but I tried to put it down to bad breeding and that these poor men probably had micro penises and huge issues – as well as all the gear and no idea.
    I had a bloke ride up next to me the other day and ask if I was a FLOB. Then told me it meant ‘Fabulous Lady On Bike’,
    FLOBs if the world unite, I say.
    Keep on riding and don’t let the numpties who make up about 2% of the cycling world, get you down.


  282. louise williams says:

    I am so sorry you have endured those harsh comments! I work in the cycle industry for a large bicycle manufacturer and as a “curvy girl” myself i understand where you are coming from. There’s many a time I’ve had that “look” and the leering at my boobs as i work out! All you have to remember is you’re awesome, you’re you and you should never let anyone take away your drive!

    Lets be honest these so called men were probably just worried you would show them up getting up the hill and damage their own insecure egos! Pathetic creatures!

    Keep at it!!! xx


  283. Assuming that you’re on Strava, have you tried using the “Flyby” feature. It’s likely the a-holes are on there and you may be able to find out who they are, if you remember where you crossed paths. Posting a comment on their ride calling them out for their insulting words – has more weight if they already have a few comments on their rides as then the folk that commented may get an email, so there is no chance to take your comment down. Might just shame them in front of their “friends”. Worth a try, if it’s bothering you.


  284. Don’t let the stupidity of others bog you down. Do what you do because you love doing it. Enjoy what you enjoy just they way you described here, the thought of snow, feeling of just moving, being lost and no care for distance you do…. Don’t get stuck on home to work and back, go more not for others but for you. And as you wrote some people will be kind and some will be dumb, let both carry on, remember the good words of few, remember those who smiled back… Forget the stupid one’s who thinks too much of themselves, they are too hollow inside, they are covering their own lack of compassion with attitudes like this….Ride on, pedal hard and enjoy 🙂


  285. Next time it happens, act like they just paid you the biggest compliment. Say “why thank you so much, beautiful day to be on a bike isnt it? enjoy your ride”. You can’t control others rude, obnoxious behavior but you can control your reaction to it. You have every right to be on the road, and you have the absolute right to experience the joy of cycling. Those men don’t feel that joy. Isn’t that sad? I feel sorry for them. But you my dear have the right of it. Don’t let them win.


  286. Jason says:

    Regardless of what shape or size you are, being able to contemplate a ride up Box Hill for fun makes you someone to be admired – I’d be cheering you on as you overtook me! It’s a shame that these non entities spoiled your day, you mustn’t let them spoil cycling for you


  287. Chris says:

    Ill mannered bastards! Very sad that you had to put up with that. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes – and I rather suspect that these rude people are compensating for unseen inadequacies of their own. If you know what I mean.


  288. Neil says:

    Hey screw them, I like girls who are curvy and have big boobies and ride bikes, slow or fast. You sound great to me, fuck them, they sound like the people we don’t want.


  289. You keep on being you. As a large man at 253 lbs (no metrics here, I am from the USA!) I can totally relate. I have owned my size and wear the kit from the Fat Lad at the Back. They also have kits for Lasses too. ( I promise I don’t work for them. My FLAB kit gets a lot of great comments, all positive.


  290. Benjamin says:

    Don’t worry. They are the cyclists that project their own insecurities on those slower than themselves. I bet they are just upset because they spend so much time getting scalped themselves which bruises their over inflated egos. So many people these days throw a load of cash at an expensive bike and expensive kit, then bomb down a cycle path at 20mph getting upset at anyone in their way. You wouldn’t catch them at a real bike race though, they know they’ll get stuffed. Horrible people. The rest of us know what they are about. Get back on that bike and go get some coffee and cake to cheer yourself back up…. oh .. and keep smiling, the world needs people like you 🙂


  291. Frank says:

    I love road cycling and get out every day on my bike , I would gladly go cycling with you and see who dare to open their fat gobs. Ps did I mention I’m a cage fighter as well x


  292. I just wanted to say that I’m so sorry to hear about the abuse you received. The way you wrote about your riding for me embodied a number of the great things about cycling: the ability to explore an area; the curiosity to do so; at your own pace; and getting fit at the same time – and I for one admire anyone prepared to do so regardless of size, shape or speed.

    Please bear in mind that what was said reflects the insecurity and inadequacy of those who said it. You just happened to be the target for their bile.

    I truly hope this doesn’t stop you from riding and that you can recognise these people for the sad inadequates that they are.
    Wishing you all the best and many thousand more enjoyable miles of riding


  293. CS says:

    Narrow minded ignorance needs to be challenged and you cannot let this ignorance stop you from doing something you clearly love. Thank you for sharing this and I hope it makes anyone that reads your blog really think about what you experienced and how wrong and upsetting it is.

    Please don’t stop riding your bike, cycling really needs people like yourself and you are a credit to it.


  294. Smudger Smith says:

    I dread to think what your abusers would say about me: 38 years, 1.75m, 80kg and horribly slow. I suspect that as I’m male they’d simply leave me in peace. I hope that this experience doesn’t keep you down for too long.


  295. You are winning… they are losers.Just keep pedalling.
    There are lots of riding groups around if you’d like company. Have you tried Bike Beans Cafe in Ashtead? They have rides at all levels and I know you’d get a warm welcome.


  296. Beth says:

    Please pay no attention! I am getting back into cycling at 110+ kg. No comments so far, but a lot of stares. The only thing that matters is the wind in my hair, its own motivation.


  297. Brian says:

    You sound just like me, save it a bloke. Forget about those morons. The only people they diminish by that behaviour is themselves.

    You clearly love to ride. It wouldn’t have upset you so much otherwise. Keep doing what you love, keep riding.

    See you at the top and the hill. I may be late 🙂


  298. Nick says:

    You are always welcome in south Oxfordshire for a ride out with me & my friends, riding the chilton hills nothing better.


    • Jason says:

      The Chilterns is where I ride! Lovely roads, none of the hills are as long and steep as Box Hill, and I’ve never been abused for being slow. 🙂


  299. My wife told me about this post and when I heard I was disgusted. I’m lucky I guess as we live just outside Cambridge which is very much a cyclist focused city but I have seen this sort of behavior once or twice on the road. Lucky both times the poor women subjected to such abuse were with Clubs whose members made their disapproval more than suitably heard.

    I know it’s much easier to say than do but you really need to just accept that there are egotistical, chauvinistic dickheads out there who will try and discriminate against any one who doesn’t fit their “opinion” of what a cyclist is.

    Just do your best to go out and enjoy your rides the way you want to enjoy them doing what makes you happy. Not everyone wants to be the next Chris Froome or Bradley Wiggins and if nothing else content yourself in the fact they probably go home to nothing but the “affection” of their bike.


  300. Keep your chin up; unfortunately in every field there are some undesirables and you ran into 3 of them. We all should not assume anything about other riders because of the way they look, their gender or the type of bike they are on, just appreciate that they are out on a bike.
    Two anecdotes to illustrate this point, both concerning Mont Ventoux.
    On the Etape du Tour in 2009, I saw a rider at the bottom of the climb who was short and round. Well under 6 foot tall and must have weighed 100kg. My response was total ambivalence. On the one hand, I thought, I am in much better shape than you, on the other, you must be a right tough so-and-so to drag yourself up this mountain. At the time, I memorised his event number to look him up afterwards in the results. My climb took me 2:15, with a couple of stops on the way; it was difficult. He took over 3 hours, but he made it. A i say, tough so-and-so. Chapeau to him.
    My wife has ridden up Mont Ventoux twice on her skinny hybrid, with its straight handlebars. When we go out riding together in the UK, her on the same bike, me on a drop handlebar road bike, I get waves from other riders, she does not. Why is it she is not acknowledged just because her handlebars are the wrong shape, especially given her ability as a rider. An incorrect assumption has been made because of the way her bike looks.
    The moral of all of these stories is let’s all respect other riders and not make assumptions about them based on appearance – none of us know where the others have been and how they got to where they are. It is only a little thing, but I will continue waving to all other cyclists I see on the road.


  301. Fuck the lot of them. Ride because you want to. Where you want to. Stick some ear buds in (if your comfortable navigating traffic with them in obviously) and drown out the arse wipes.

    From a fellow curvy sort of female.


  302. Jonny W says:

    The solution? Move North of the Wash. Don’t get me wrong, there’s the same proportion of twats up hear, but they’re mostly friendly twats. If the thought of having a house twice the size and being surrounded by friendly people isn’t compensation enough for our terrible weather, continue that search for a proper club. I recommend Blackburn CTC, that’s in the South, right? South of here, anyway.

    Chin up,

    Jonny W


  303. Ignore them, keep going, they are not worth the angst, they weren’t cyclists they were arrogant nasty people, who ride bikes because its ‘popular’…

    Keep up the good work and enjoy riding your bike 🙂


  304. Sian McGuigan says:

    Don’t let the bastards get you down, they are knobs and sadly there are too many of them around ..! I’ve been cycling for years on my own but gradually meeting new friends. Have you tried the cycletta rides for women … I’m heading down to the New Forest one in September, you are more than welcome to meet up with me there if you want to . Keep smiling and keep cycling or you won’t keep smiling .. xx


  305. I ride around 10,000 miles a year and will never look like Wiggo – I won’t write what I think about this type of “cyclist” because that would reduce me to near their level – but sadly whilst not common I came across similar superior attitudes all too often at the cycling club I once belonged to – now I cycle on my own and have never been happier. More power to your elbow – keep on cycling and may the buffoons you encountered pedal squares fit a year…


  306. Agree whole-heartedly with all the comments on here: unfortunately, the world is full of abusive, ignorant idiots and the best thing to do is ignore them.One slight alarm bell, though: the “all Castelli/Rapha/whatever wearers are bastards” comments are dangerously close to being just as bigoted as the original. Might it not be possible that some people are lucky enough to have expensive bikes and kit but are still friendly, kind and genuinely nice?


  307. Milos says:

    No one is worth your tears for any reason, especially people you don’t know and act like those two. Their kind is everywhere and there is nothing we can do about that. Build a firewall. It’s easier than you think. As you can see there’s a lot of people that offered kind words and support. Ride your bicycle. Don’t let the bad guys win. Please!


  308. Alex says:

    Hey, I’m sorry about what happened. The truth is that the number of egocentric-show off cyclists is quite large. Many cyclist love to show off how much they ride and how fast they do it. They love to show off their bikes and latest gadgets. They believe the rode belongs to them only and they often complain about cars, pedestrians and other cyclists. These people are out there and they will not go away. But this is no reason to stop biking.

    Continue biking as you always have and love it for what it is. For me, cycling equals freedom. My mind can wonder around or it can focus on a nice view or simply on the pedals. Sometimes you will run into nice people like it happened to me the other day. I teamed up for the first time ever, and that was with someone I didn’t know. We worked together to get past a windy stretch on my commute. I’m sure that you will also meet good people while cycling, so please don’t give it up.


  309. You don’t have to race, or to want to race, to be doing a great job and to be a cyclist. Those guys are ignorant idiots who are probably doing too many drugs in pursuit of validation to bolster their fragile egos!

    P.S. I don’t race, in large part because racing promotes similar bad behavior. So, you fit in with me at least 🙂


  310. One more thing – men only act like this to exert their fantasies of abuse onto someone they consider vulnerable, and by that I mean “alone.” They would NEVER think of saying this stuff around a witness, or to a man. So I definitely co-sign the suggestion above to find them on Strava and out them.


  311. John says:

    I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m not in the best of shape either at this point due to other life commitments, but don’t let it keep you from turning the cranks. You obviously love it, don’t let the nasty comments from people with nothing positive to say get to you.

    Ride on!


  312. Don’t let the dumb ass riders get you down. Those guys were first class a-holes with some serious insecurity issues. No way to treat a lady that’s for sure.

    I used to be terribly overweight. Cycling saved my life. It wasn’t easy and I’m glad I stuck with it. While I’m not a “lightweight” I did lose quite a bit of weight over the years. I’ll never be skinny but it doesn’t matter because I feel so much better now than when I started several years ago. Don’t give up. Use it as motivation or try and move on but whatever you do, don’t quit riding.


  313. Matt says:

    Wtf is wrong with these people. What happened to “good morning” and “enjoy your ride”.

    You deserve to be called a cyclist far more than these w**kers and I really hope the support you should get in these comments encourages you to keep it up.


  314. I am really sorry as a man that in this so called enlightened age such cretins still exist. I dont know what to say to this and other ladies and girls exept I am deeply sorry for these a…..s who obviously have no respect for themselves or their mothers. I really hope all continue in what, apart from those fools, is the greatest sport for ALL!!!


  315. jamie mcrobb says:

    I was devastated to read this how can people be so cruel.. Don’t let the pathetic a holes get to you and keep on cycling.. Join a beginners ride from the excellent bike beans cafe in Ashtead for some social group Cycling


  316. Laura says:

    Don’t let them get you down…I’ve been called a fat b***h whilst riding AND I was wearing Rapha at the time. I’m a normal UK 12. It’s sad that these guys (and I’m sorry to say it usually is that way round) feel the need to validate themselves by insulting others. You’re awesome.


  317. Peter Cottrell says:

    I cant believe these guys were serious cyclists. They sound like blokes that have just joined in cos they want to be seen doing the latest cool thing. In a while they’ll be gone, but I really, really hope you keep going and dont let them put you off. Genuine cyclists, who love to ride should give the most encouragement to folk who look least like typical riders.


  318. Jubileedoo says:

    So sorry to hear that you crossed paths with the assholes of the world. Yes, they exist & take up space & air & contribute NOT A DAMN thing besides vitriol & negativity. They are not worth a tinker’s cuss & certainly not worth your tears. I know you will shed them because assholes like that know, on some visceral level, that their words will get to you.

    They are the very ones who make this world bleak & horrible. And mark my words, the negativity they spew at you or anyone else will be visited upon them. Can you imagine how awful their inner dialog is?

    Practice these phrases: “Fuck off!” and “Shut the fuck up!” Lather, rinse, repeat. Or let their words roll off you, like you didn’t even hear them.

    No sense in perpetuating their negative vibe. You’re doing something you enjoy, right? No one, not even them, can take that away from you. Just keep your wits about you because the roads can be dangerous, what with cars & all. And continue deriving joy from doing something you love. There will always be assholes. Just ignore them, or find a snappy comeback to throw back at them.


  319. Josie says:

    I don’t know if this is thing in Britain but in Australia we had a government sponsored road safety campaign where if someone was being an idiot on the road you’d hold up your little finger to indicate that they were compensating for another part of their anatomy being small.

    Anyway, seems a ‘small penis’ sign was definitely what was needed on this occasion!

    Keep cycling. You’ll get better. They’ll always be miserable wankers.


  320. kati says:

    I’m really sorry to hear what happened to you. I don’t know how such dickheads even deserve riding bikes, it’s just really poor behaviour. But never let idiots like that keep you from doing something you love and are passionate about! You’re beautiful the way you are!! Just feel sorry for those guys who have to make others feel bad only to make themselves feel better.

    Keep riding and kicking ass hun!! 😉

    And if you’re ever in Germany/Nuremberg, give me a shout, I’d be happy to go cycling with you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  321. Carl myhill says:

    Very sorry you had to experience these people. I hope you find a club. The vast majority of clubs are very inclusive. Anyone who races knows not to underestimate other riders based on size. Little people go up hills quickly, bigger people sprint for the line quickly. For most clubs though it is just about getting out there. I’m in Kingston. Look up our LCC group. Id happily join you for a weekend ride.


  322. Tina Robinson says:

    Don’t let scumbags like that put you off. I’m slow and often am in Guildford visiting my boyfriend. I’d love to cycle with you some time. And we can stop at the top of box hill and enjoy the well earned view


  323. caroline says:

    Don’t give up your leisure riding coz of some di***heads you met on the way! You sound local to me and i’m lonely rider too, happy to join forces 🙂


  324. gren says:

    hopefully all this publicity will reach these idiots and cause them to think about their behaviour and their crappy lives. Remember what you witnessed was their weakness leaking out over the road. Keep your strength and carry on doing your thing! FTW! Hail goddess of two wheels I salute you! 🙂


  325. There are douchebags in all walks of life and, if you leave the house, you’re likely to bump into them somewhere. Their rude, unnecessary and stupid comments are generally a reflection of their own short-comings and insecurities. Whether you’re over/underweight, male/female, of some minority group there is going to some asshole that feels the need to display their intolerance. Hold your head up high, you are better than them, not because you’re out riding, not because of how you look or what you wear, but just by being a normal, tolerant and accepting person enjoying life.
    Although, going out for a ride is a big plus as well


  326. Stacey says:

    i don’t think I live that far from you! I hate people who are negative when you are going your hardest and doing the best you can! I get this a lot too! If you want a like minded and like bodied cycling companion drop me a line!


  327. Logic says these are buffoons who don’t deserve any of your attention, but this isn’t a logical situation. There is plenty of science that says we need many, many positive, reinforcing experiences to offset a single bad one. Let’s face it, I don’t think many of us are going to garner many spontaneous compliments from other riders while out on the road…certainly I don’t anyway…so overcoming the snark of the nasty few is even harder.

    The good news is that the nasty are relatively few.


  328. Emma says:

    don’t let them upset you. They don’t deserve that power. And they are the unlucky ones, stuck being such idiots. It must suck to be them, so miserable and closed minded, choosing to put someone down like that. Most people love seeing others having a go. I especially like seeing people who are near the beginning of their sporting journey, all curves, old clothes, red faces and determination. That’s the biggest test of character, the hardest first hurdles. ‘Respect’ is what most people think. ‘Keep it up’ ‘you’re doing good’. Bullies are unhappy & they want to make others even less happy. They are the losers. Get back on ya bike! 🙂


  329. JB says:

    Sorry to hear you have encountered such idiots. I generally find the cycling community to be very supportive.

    I have a female-only cycling club and if you’d like to join you can have the first year’s membership on me. Hopefully something good will come out of this crappy episode.

    Email at and I will sort you out if you’d like. Chin up.


  330. I’m so sorry you have to put up with garbage like that! But please don’t let that discourage you from riding! I know it’s easier said than done but please keep at it! When I ride around I like to assume that I’m a part of a pretty cool community. I like waving to other cyclists and saying hello to peeps I’m passing up or getting passed up by. I’m shocked that a person would talk like that to another person, let alone cyclists to another. I hope your next post is about how you had an epic ride or met some cool people to ride with 🙂


  331. p.s. I actually prefer riding alone; I have the freedom to go wherever I want whenever I want at whatever pace I want 😉 There are definite benefits to group riding for sure, and I’m not opposed to joining group rides; just for now, I enjoy my alone time 😉


  332. Bad luck to bump into so many idiots on one ride. If any of them are reading this, hopefully they feel pretty stupid about themselves. Good on you for sharing. You’re welcome to join me on a ride any time.


  333. Tonic1983 says:

    Don’t forget #thisgirlcan no one else matters! You wonder how much exercise these men’s partners do if they feel the need to belittle you and spend hours in the saddle themselves! I have to admit I’ve never had anything but encouragement up the hills from passers and hope this will continue!


  334. Richard Hammond says:

    Hi there ,

    Just so you know: I’m a 6’4″ bloke and I get these people saying things like ‘get out of the middle of the road’, etc. it ain’t you , they have issues. I am less bothered about it as I played rugby for 30 years and am quite ‘up for it ‘ with dick heads.
    Box is the centre of excellence for all these try hard wankers with their replica kit and their 5k bikes and their attitude . It doesn’t happen outside this little corner of twatty, I work in the city , london.

    I am sure others have said this but ‘don’t worry about it’
    Happy cycling ! By the way, out on you own is more fun anyway . I prefer it!


  335. You’re always going to get ejits like this. Just be happy in the knowledge that you are living your life full of love and appreciation and not stuck in the bitter and small minded bubbles that they appear to be in.
    Keep up the cycling, you sound like you’re getting some good miles in and epic routes!! Awesome work xx


  336. Erik Porter says:

    Horrible story; this sort of behaviour DOES seem to be on the rise out there… I’m definitely seeing more and more guys out there on super-spec. bikes in full Rapha/Castelli etc, who won’t even acknowledge your existence when you give them the standard cyclist nod… It seems to be coming more and more prevalent out there, I’m assuming linked to the rise in cycling over the last few years? Damn shame, we used to be a nice bunch. 😦


  337. Paul Hatcher says:

    Sorry to hear about your experience. I cycle round the lanes near there. The only problems I’ve had are the occasional swipe from white vans (and the accompanying windscreen spray they think is so funny).

    I’ve oft been passed (and I’ve passed) by other cyclists and sometimes we ride for a bit and chat about “where have you come from”, “how far today” etc. I’ve not been abused like this (which is totally unacceptable) but sometimes I get completely ignored which I think is a bit rude. It doesn’t harm just a quick “hi” as they burn past.

    The other thing is that I’m fortunate to live in this area on a quiet lane. So often I’m warming up/down on the lane near my house as other riders go past. They of course may think I’m going slowly but I may have just finished a long ride.

    So let’s spread the love, enjoy our bikes and the beautiful country we are lucky enough to ride in.



  338. Simon says:

    Interesting what RH says there about Box. I am new to road cycling and have no experience of cycling clubs, but I have experienced this sort of thing in other sports. It could well be specific to a club or clubs as these sorts of bullying behaviours are only tolerated where you get a concentration of certain personality types. Dickheads = sociopaths. They flock to clubs where they can get away with this sort of thing, because their behaviour is condoned or not opposed by the majority within the club. When you hit on a “seam” of of abusive behaviour, it can easily feel like the whole sport (and even people in general) behave(s) like that. I wonder if the two sets of cyclists – the pair and the individual on the hill are from the same club. Even if they weren’t, they are of the same ilk and are the minority of cyclists and the general population. BTW I am a skinny, white male and I’ve had my share of abuse from these nobodys – too skinny, not good enough, too good – it makes no difference to them, the point is to make you feel bad so they don’t have to confront their own inadequacies. You did the right thing to blog about his, rather than brush it under the carpet, like most people do. One thing I know is that when you stand up to bullies, they usually crumple surprisingly easily. They know they are in the wrong and will only do what they can get away with.


  339. Just read this & I am angry & disappointed in equal measures at the moronic cyclists who shout this abuse & made you feel this way. Cycling for 25 years I have notice more and more people in their top of the range cycle clothing who choose our sport as a lifestyle choice, stopping at coffee shops to pose in their new latest gear. I commend you for getting out there, riding and getting yourself fit.Because after all hats what its about. I am also disgusted at these morons as they are painting a bad picture for fellow cyclists who in general are a great caring community. I would be happy to ride with you any time. If your on twitter follow me @Chrisclyburn Well done you


  340. Antonio Vicente says:

    Keep on TheLonelyCyclist, unfortunately there will always exist those kind of people, who don´t have enough brain to enjoy cycling and respect all kinds of cyclists.
    A word of encouragement from Portugal.


  341. Hi there, late to the party as usual! Ah, makes me proud to be male! My wife has commuted by bike for 35 years and has a host of stories of being abused by motorists but has never had an incident with a cyclist. but she’s also a swimmer and has had plenty of grief from the same sort of idiot water churners as your bike riders – I can’t even bring myself to call them cyclists. As another blogger pointed out, it’s symptomatic of a nasty, bullying, Clarksonesque, hate-filled Britain as a whole not just in cycling.
    I feel your pain, it’s an “et tu Brutus” moment: it’s bad enough that motorists try to kill us or shout abuse, but when your own tribe turn on you it feels like a betrayal!
    Unfortunately this is what happens when you let any old twunt near a bike; they think they’re some sort of pro rider who have more right to the road than anyone else, because their kit is more expensive than yours; I bet I could guess what sort of cars they drive too!
    I know telling you to ignore them doesn’t help, but one of these days they’re going to pick on the wrong person – if they haven’t moved onto another dick extension pastime by then!
    Real cyclists are nice people 🙂


  342. Goldilocks says:

    Over here in Singapore, there is this cycling prick who used to run a cycling group Paul Goh, PGSK – a cycling group. Ego got the better of him and it reached some egomanic levels that he believed he was God.

    He started dictating how rides should be run, and started booting members who he perceived did not comply or were against him. This prick belongs to the olden ages when kings and slaves were in exsistence.

    People who do not show good genuine leadership potential should just not pretend to be good enough to lead a cycling group.


  343. Afternoon – I am a journalist writing a piece on women’s cycling and really wanted to give you a call to discuss. Any chance you could let me know your email address? Alternatively you could email me on Many thanks,


  344. Only just read this… a friend shared it after I’d moaned about being aggressively tailgated. I’m utterly appalled… it almost seems worse as I know that route so well.
    As a 6ft scruffy bloke on a cheapo hybrid who doesn’t shy away from using the “wanker” gesture, I had suspected I must be quite fortunate in my encounters with less pleasant cyclists; also that there must be a gender imbalance to this. I feel positively ashamed for my gender.
    I hope you didn’t give up!


  345. Despite this happening over a year ago we wanted to show our support.

    There is nothing that angers us more than hearing experiences like yours Eleanor. We get utterly frustrated and infuriated when we are ignored by a passing cyclist who doesn’t seem to want to return a friendly wave or shout of hello – however to be criticised in the way you have is disgusting.

    It’s part of the sport that we detest and typically is a legacy of the cyclist of the past – the ones of their way out.

    Keep up the good work and do what makes you happy.



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