how my #TdF plans have changed

There was originally 2 of us going for just over 2 weeks, me and my best mate, sharing driving fuel etc. It’s a good thing we had a bit of a chat on Sunday.

I then got the feeling she wouldn’t be coming, although it’s taken until this morning to get the answer she wasn’t.

Thanks to a bit of foresight and lack of funds, I haven’t booked any hotels etc, and was already in discussion with @melissagerman (my TwitterFriend) to meet up down in Pau.

Due to this new arrangement, I might spend a couple of days at my Uncles and then pick Melissa up and drive onto Pau, where hopefully (fingers crossed) we will have been able to book a hotel just outside of Pau (Lons).

Hopefully me and Melissa can fine tune this over the next couple of weeks, and it looks like it will be awesome, especially the Team Sky Fan Party Part 1 and Part 2!

So thanks to Melissa, it’ll be great to share this with someone who can have a laugh and in all honesty knows a fair bit more than me about procycling.

Thanks also to @wheel_suckers ( and, which have both provided me with some insight into going to watch Le Tour.

Thanks also to @BevSmerklo, @CatwomanFran, Sarah Orr, Sammi Christopher and Jo Wells, all who listened to me rant after what occured on sunday.

So yeah, I’m going, meeting some of my Twitterarti friends, and it’s going to be a blast

Even if I do get home broke 😉

Now I’m smiling!!!!